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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 100

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee

Chapter 100 Massage My Aching Body (Genevieve Swan)

“What’s that noise?” I exclaimed, glancing around as I pulled up my jeans while Caspian tried to adjust his p*ants. “Let’s go. We can check it out later,” he said, taking my hand in a hurry and dashing back toward the house. When we were halfway there, I noticed Wolvin and the others coming toward us.

“Is she alright?” Wolvin asked right away, giving me a quick once-over.

“She’s fine, let’s move,” Caspian replied, tugging me along as the others huddled around me for protection. It bothered me that they constantly put their safety on the line just to keep me safe.

Once we reached our house, they locked the doors and switched off the lights. The siren blared for a few more minutes before finally falling silent.

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I was taken aback by the situation, but they seemed to have some understanding of it.

“I remember hearing those sirens when I was a kid,” Emre remarked, peering out the window to keep an eye out for any potential danger.

“What are they usually for?” I inquired, sensing their judgmental gazes on me. I knew that talking about anything in my past wasn’t allowed, but it frustrated me that I had been kept in the dark about so many important things. It felt like I was sheltered but not truly protected.

“They used to play those during times of war. When the curse began, those who were affected would go berserk. They’d target werewolves and cause havoc, resulting in many casualties,” Emre explained, shifting his gaze back to the window.

“How terrifying must that have been?” I pondered aloud, my thoughts drifting outwards. I wondered why the curse hadn’t affected the pack mansion. We never missed a single meal, never skipped a beat. It was as though everything outside the mansion was completely disconnected. Yet, in reality, lives were being lost, and others were fighting h*ard to protect their own.

“It was rough. We’ve been through even worse stuff,” Wolvin grumbled, his mind drifting back to the past.

“But the real question is–why did they sound the siren now?” Bellamy frowned, ending his call with his pack members.

He had gone to visit them, whereas Caspian seemed to be relying on text messages to check on someone. I could guess that he was also finding out about what remained of his own pack.

“There’s nothing on the internet about it though,” Caspian added with a shrug. “Maybe it was just a mishap while they were cleaning the siren?” Wolvin suggested, and all eyes turned to him for a moment before laughter erupted throughout the room.

He couldn’t utter a single word without inviting mockery. Yet, he didn’t seem bothered by it. He joined in the laughter until he finally questioned, “What’s so funny?”

“It’s a possibility,” I jumped in to defend him, and as soon as I did, the laughter from my mates ceased. They gazed at me in silence, their expressions now more puzzled than amused.

“Of course, the two who’ve never experienced wars or battles would suggest that,” Emre retorted, his ego always coming into play. At this moment, I could sense his irritation that nobody was tapping into the information he could offer. He saw himself as a seasoned warrior, convinced that he’d witnessed it all. “Something definitely went down. And the fact that there’s no news about it anywhere just shows how serious it is,” Emre chimed in, offering his insight without anyone even asking.

“Whoever set off that damn siren just landed themselves on my hate list forever,” Caspian muttered with a scowl, his gaze locking onto mine and causing my cheeks to turn crimson. I couldn’t believe how desperate I had acted in the woods–almost begging him to sleep with me.

“I’m going to get some water,” I said, feeling my t*hroat tighten and dry up. I excused myself and hurried out of the living room, eager to escape his gaze.

In the kitchen, I downed several gulps of water, trying to calm myself and not dwell on what had occurred in the woods or what might transpire there next.

“Quenching your thirst?” I heard Caspian’s voice from behind me, alerting me to his presence.

“It was quite the sight, you know,” he slipped in silently and pressed himself against me, “every little movement of your body let me know just how much you craved me.”

His soft words brushed against my ears, causing my heart to race.

“I’m curious about what’s in store for us on the night of the full moon. I really hope luck’s on my side,” he said, hugging me softly, his movement appearing as if he were reaching for a glass on the counter. Yet, here I was, enveloped in his arms.

“Caspian,” I breathed out his name, only for him to press his face further into my n*eck.

“Say it again. I adore the way you say my name, breathless,” he continued, his hands tenderly finding their way to my stomach and trailing down until they rested on my h*ips.

“Does it still ache?” he asked in a murmur.

“What?” I inquired, utterly bewildered. “Your a*sshole,” His voice grew even softer, as if he expected a gasp to escape my l*ips. To my surprise, I complied all too swiftly, and an involuntary yelp slipped out.

“Or perhaps you’d like me to give it a little massage?” He was fully aware of the effect he was having. He hadn’t even penetrated me yet, but the ache was there.

“Someone might overhear us,” I whispered, my voice cautious, as I lightly tapped his face with my shoulder, carefully extricating myself from his hold.

“No, don’t leave,” he protested playfully, attempting to catch me. Giggles bubbled from my l*ips as I darted toward the exit, only to collide with a solid chest. I didn’t need to look up to recognize who it was.

The powerful, captivating scent and the firmness of his chest made me swallow h*ard, instinctively taking a step back.

“I was just coming to get something to eat,” Wolvin explained, but the disappointment laced in his tone made it difficult for me to even meet his gaze.

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