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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 102

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee

Chapter 102 The Slow Burning Desires (Genevieve Swan)

After talking with Emre, I headed to the bedroom only to discover that Bellamy and Caspian were already getting ready for the night. The meticulous way they were grooming themselves and getting prepared nearly made me bite my lower l*ip. However, I suppressed all those emotions, not wanting to come across as desperate.

“It’s almost 6pm, and the full moon’s midnight is approaching. I’m excited for you to be my first,” Bellamy winked as he did push-ups.

It appeared as if they were preparing for a battle. Wolvin was occupied with arranging metal chains in a corner, never once lifting his head since I entered. Emre entered the room a few minutes later and cleared his t*hroat to get everyone’s attention for his announcement.

“Guys, I won’t be joining in tonight,” he stated with a tinge of regret in his voice. I was relieved that he was making the choice to focus on rebuilding a strong connection with me and regaining my trust.

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“Seriously?” Caspian glanced at me and then turned his puzzled gaze towards Emre. Wolvin paused in his task but didn’t divert his attention towards us. It was his subtle way of letting us know he was listening.

“Did something occur?” Bellamy chimed in, his curiosity piqued. Naturally, the two troublemakers among my mates were also the most inquisitive.

“Oh, I see,” Caspian nodded, a smile forming on his l*ips, almost as if he were chuckling at Emre.

“What? Come on, spill the beans. What’s cooking up in that mischievous mind of yours?” Emre put his hands on his h*ips, pressing for an answer. I, too, was curious to hear what Caspian was scheming about now.

“Your girl forbade you, didn’t she?” Caspian chuckled, sounding rather foolish.

“Ah, what was her name again? Abigail? Well, your lady is certainly preventing you from having some fun, Emre,” Bellamy’s remark was clearly intended as a jest, but it just irked me in the wrong way.

Sure, it was nice that they considered me special, but not solely for s*exual reasons.

“No, that’s not it. I don’t want Gennie to believe I’m only trying to make things right for the night,” he chose honesty, and a smile formed on my l*ips. “Oh, that’s quite something,” Caspian shook his head in disbelief. It was likely a perspective he hadn’t thought about before. Regardless of how many blunders he and Bellamy committed, they always seemed to return to me, seemingly driven by the desire for intimacy. That’s how they had made me feel all this while.

“I’m impressed,” Bellamy added with a playful smirk.

“Well, in that case, where will these two troublemakers be heading for the night?” Caspian muttered with a playful slap to his forehead.

“I didn’t really mind an audience as long as they’re not particip*ants,” Bellamy shrugged, and Caspian made a little pout.

“I don’t think that’s possible for Emre. He’s her destined mate,” he sighed deeply and then rubbed his chin. “I was thinking… now that Emre isn’t involved and it’s just the two of us, I don’t see why we should be competing for who gets her first,” Caspian grinned to himself, his mind working on something. It felt strange that they were discussing this while I was right there, observing them. It was almost like I wasn’t even in the room.

I seated myself and rested my chin on my fist, observing Wolvin as he worked on the chains. He had already carved them and was now in the process of connecting them.

“There are two holess–” Caspian began to say, but he abruptly stopped when I dramatically turned to look at him. They were truly mischievous, no doubt about it.

“I mean, you can claim the virginity of one hole while I handle the other,” he eventually shared his idea with Bellamy, who seemed rather amused by the notion.

I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about it. I had experienced it with Caspian, and it had been incredibly painful. Just the thought of losing the virginity of both openings in a single day was daunting. And why were my intimate matters becoming the central focus and topic of discussion?

Yet, my silence seemed to embolden them to make decisions without even consulting me further.

“Which hole is yours?” Bellamy turned to Caspian for his input, and Caspian responded with a pout, seemingly lost in thought.

“It doesn’t really matter. Either one is fine,” he replied, prompting me to roll my eyes at their casualness.

“That’s disrespectful,” the conversation’s tone suddenly shifted as Wolvin raised his voice, hurling the chains across the room. The room fell silent as everyone focused on him. “Why are you two reducing her to her body? Is that the only thing that matters about her?” he continued to protest, rising from his seat and casting a tall shadow over the window.

His figure blocked the only light filtering in from the outside porch. “Why are you starting this lecture again? Are you bitter because you’re not part of it?” Caspian didn’t take kindly to Wolvin’s words. He rose to his feet, facing Wolvin from a distance, his muscles tense with anger.

“Don’t act like you wouldn’t care if she came to you for intimacy. You’d lose it too if you were her mate. It’s not simple to control ourselves when it involves her. She’s our mate, and that’s how the mate bond operates,” Bellamy hissed, taking Caspian’s side. The two of them glared at Wolvin as he lowered his head.

“We won’t intrude on your space,” Emre, realizing the situation needed intervention, approached and placed a comforting hand on Wolvin’s back, offering him a reassuring nod.

As Emre and Wolvin left the room, I remained with Bellamy and Caspian, feeling the weight of the tension that had just unfolded between them. “Pay no mind to that jerk. He’s been getting aroused at the sight of Vieve now and then,” Bellamy whispered to Caspian, seemingly unaware that his words had also grabbed my attention.

If that was indeed true, then why was Wolvin so hesitant about being intimate with me? Could it be possible that he had deeper feelings for me?

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