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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 105

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee

Chapter 105 Alpha King Zane’s Girl (Monique’s POV)

I craved answers and assistance, yet it appeared that Reign wasn’t inclined to offer any help at all.

“What do you mean by saying it’s crucial for me to be without magic? Have you ever considered living without magic yourself?” I couldn’t restrain myself from raising my voice as soon as she made that statement. “It’s not about me. Something has shifted within you. I’m aware you have feelings for Alpha Bernard. Isn’t he a king alpha there?” She persisted in using my own secret against me.

“It doesn’t matter whom I have feelings for. I deserve to have my magic restored,” I muttered through gritted teeth, closing my eyes in an attempt to soothe my fraying nerves. However, nothing seemed to work. My anger was escalating with each passing minute. How heartless of her to possess her own magic and yet deny me mine. “Listen! I knew right from the start that you’d end up a bit different. Your yearning for love and power has already cast shadows over your heart, Monique. You were meant to be compassionate and watch over Shiloh for the sake of her blessed child. When that little girl is born, she’s destined to be exceptional. The Moon Goddess intended for someone to be by her side, guiding her. I believe that’s why the realm of Sanova was chosen.

Unintentionally, you helped her reach her rightful place. But now you’re poised to cause her great trouble. Your magic will steer you toward all the wrong actions. If you don’t want to become the antagonist, cease your pursuit of magic and return to your life as a she-wolf,” Reign murmured, her tone soft yet filled with harsh truths that struck me deeply.

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I let out an exasperated sound as I realized I had wasted my time trying to reach out to her. I should have sought assistance from someone more potent and receptive to the notion of extending a chance to me.

An idea suddenly struck me.

“Huia!” I exclaimed, recalling the witch from the other realm who had a hand in orchestrating all the chaotic wars and situations. I believed she might be willing to help me.

With that in mind, I chose to act on it. I allowed the portal to close, and then I sprinkled a bit of the elixir on it, intending to open it once more. This time, however, my aim was to connect with Huia.

“Huia! I require your assistance,” I blurted out, though the words t*asted bitter on my t*ongue, knowing that I had once sided with the so-called “good guys” in the past.

In their realm – the heroes, the alpha king brothers were still leading their lives, and I even learned that their Luna queen was carrying twins. This piece of news alone would likely be infuriating to Huia, who harbored intentions of harming her.

“Ah! Monique! The seer who aimed to eliminate us,” her voice sounded, and I couldn’t help but flinch involuntarily.

“It was a colossal misunderstanding. I didn’t fully comprehend whose side I was taking,” I straightened myself, feeling somewhat foolish for attempting to justify myself to a deceased being.

“And what prompted this change of heart?” she questioned, skepticism lacing her tone. I couldn’t mention her name. In the past, I wasn’t aligned with her intentions, but circumstances had shifted. Now, I was beginning to comprehend why people labeled as “bad” engaged in their seemingly wrongful actions.

I wouldn’t refer to them as “bad” anymore. Everyone strives to improve their lives and attain what their hearts yearn for. My heart now yearned for the affection of Lord Bernard and the position of his Luna Queen.

“They took away my magic, all in the name of ensuring the blessed child’s life would be free of obstacles,” I scoffed, the name ‘Genevieve’ leaving a bitter t*aste in my mouth.

She hadn’t even been born yet, and yet her existence was already causing ripples in so many lives. To hell with her supposed uniqueness, I was special too. I held the power to alter everything, or at least, I used to.

“Ah! The blessed child. I wasn’t aware you were in a different realm,” she added, causing me to take a deep, calming breath.

“It’s quite a convoluted tale. Shiloh and Bernard intended to journey here to Sanova to ensure their blessed daughter’s safety during her birth,” I detailed, sensing a momentary pause in her response.

“Shiloh? That adds up. I should have maintained my vigilance on her,” her tone resonated with a heavy sense of disappointment, as if she had failed in some capacity.

“So, what is it that you desire from me now? It’s apparent you no longer wish to safeguard them,” she let out a mocking laugh, her delight in my predicament all too evident. Despite the urge to abruptly sever our connection, I resolved to endure her taunts for the time being.

“I’ve been stripped of my magic, and no one is willing to assist me because they think I might employ it against Genevieve,” I murmured, “the blessed child.”

“And you’re seeking my help to restore your magic?” she inquired, and I nodded instinctively, even though she couldn’t see me.

“Yes, please. I’m willing to offer anything in return,” I blurted out, those words escaping without much thought. After all, what could a deceased individual possibly demand in exchange?

“Aha! So, you’ve declared that you’d do anything?” She perked up, her interest piqued. Instantly, it felt like I was negotiating with the devil herself.

“Then, I shall help you regain your magic, but it comes at a price. You must forge a blood pact with me, and if you were to breach that pact, all your connections will crumble until the Moon Goddess deems you forgiven,” Huia expounded, and I offered a hesitant nod.

What could she possibly demand in return?

“I want you to keep the girl virgin for the devil. The alpha king Zane died young, barely in his early twenties. I want you to resurrect him when the girl turns 23 and let him be the one to take her virginity. The blessed child will be able to summon him, and he will be able to live again, but you must be the one to initiate everything,” she explained, and my t*hroat began to get dryer.

Alpha King Zane!

The name didn’t sound very pleasant to my ears, but there wasn’t anything else I could do. I needed my magic, and perhaps I could form an alliance with Alpha King Zane.

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