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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 107

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 107 The One Who Stole Her (Emre Shield)

I woke up late that morning. The drama that unfolded last night had left me feeling the need to sleep in. Since we weren’t permitted to leave the house, not for our safety but for Gennie’s protection, there wasn’t much to do.

All we had was a TV and Gennie.

I felt sorry for her. The way those two jerks reacted when they realized they couldn’t take her virginity was so harsh. I couldn’t even imagine how she must have felt. Perhaps a little relieved that she got to see their true faces before giving anything to them.

I noticed the bed was empty, but I opted to take a shower first. Caspian must be in the living room with Gennie, attempting to mend things and explain that his reaction had been driven by desperation.

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Once I’d showered, I made my way to the kitchen but paused upon finding the living room deserted.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered angrily, throwing a fit as the thought crossed my mind that perhaps the two of them had left the house to talk outside.

“How can he be so foolish?” I grumbled while staring out the windows and then stormed out of the house. We were instructed to stay by her side like her shadows until the dangerous wolves in the area were caught, and this guy took her out?

I hurried back into the room to wake up the others.

“Guys! He took Gennie out of the house,” I placed my hand on my waist while dialing Caspian’s number at the same time.

“What?” Wolvin sprang up swiftly. Speed was his thing; there was no ‘slow’ in his dictionary.

“Huh?” Bellamy woke up after Wolvin’s loud exclamation, rubbing his eyes while still groggy.

“Caspian and Gennie left the house,” I added, grunting when I discovered that their phones were turned off.

“But he wasn’t supposed to… to,” Bellamy coughed to clear his throat. “Take her out of the house. It’s not safe enough for her,” he continued in a more composed voice.

“Exactly. So tell me, why did they leave and why can’t we reach them on their phones?” I explained, this time in a much louder tone.

It was frustrating that she had to abide by so many rules, and now one of us was busy breaking them.

“But why are their phones turned off?” Bellamy complained as he also attempted to call them.

Wolvin had been sitting silently on the floor with his eyes fixed on the ground. Usually, he would spring into action immediately, but this time, he seemed to be deep in thought, contemplating. “This isn’t good,” he jumped to his feet and then, without making any plans with us, he sprinted toward the exit.

“Wolvin! Where are you going?” I called out to him, but he had already left the house.

“Why does he always go for a run to calm himself in situations like these?” Bellamy groaned, shaking his head.

“I’ll take a shower, and then we can go find them together. They might be at the pack’s cafe,” Bellamy suggested, and I nodded in agreement.

Caspian was being really thoughtless.

Why did he have to make everything so complicated for us?

As Bellamy headed to the bathroom, I received a call from Abigail. She usually didn’t call around this time unless it was really important.

“Abigail? You don’t usually call at this time. Is everything okay? Is Mom alright?” I questioned her with concern. “Mom is fine, and so am I. Actually, I wanted to discuss something about your mate,” she mumbled, mentioning Gennie for the first time.

Abigail had never been supportive of the idea of me marrying Gennie. She even went on a hunger strike in protest, but eventually, she had to give in because we didn’t have much choice.

I had to do everything in my power to make the right decision, and that meant marrying Gennie.

“What’s going on with her?” I wondered, curious about why she had suddenly brought up the topic of Gennie.

“I saw your mate with that other alpha-Caspian?” Her voice sounded a bit anxious, and her words even caused me to frown. Abigail and my mother lived on the other side of the pack, near the mountains. Why would she be seeing Caspian and Gennie so far away from here?

“Um-please, tell me what you saw,” I requested, wanting to know more details.

“I saw them in a car together, but… Princess Genevieve sounded a bit… I don’t know how to explain it. She didn’t seem quite herself to me. Her head was resting against the seat, and she appeared like she had been through something. I don’t know, but… she seemed tired, exhausted, and also crying,” the information she shared sent a shiver down my spine.

I swallowed hard and gripped the phone tightly. What had Caspian done?

“Thank you so much for informing me. I’m going to do everything I can to find her,” I said with determination, but I couldn’t shake off the fear of whatever trouble Caspian might have caused. “I would have followed them, but I had to stay with mother,” she added, and I didn’t blame her. It was thoughtful of her to call and let me know despite her own responsibilities.

“When did you see them?” I asked, trying to gauge their current location. “Just before I called you. Maybe about three minutes ago,” she replied, sounding concerned. “Please find her. She didn’t seem alright.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll do everything I can,” I reassured her before ending the call. “Emre! Who was that?” I didn’t even realize that Bellamy had stepped out of the bathroom and had overheard my conversation.

“Caspian took Gennie away,” I turned to him and conveyed the issue we were facing.

“What do you mean?” Bellamy asked, taken aback and sounding fearful.

“Bellamy! I have this feeling that something’s wrong. Abigail saw Gennie in a very distressed state with Caspian,” I explained, and that was enough to make Bellamy visibly anxious.

His eyes took on the glint of his wolf as anger surged within him.

“We’re going to find them, and I’ll damn well kill Caspian myself if he endangered her by breaking the rules and forcing a mate bond,” Bellamy growled, his frustration palpable. I nodded in agreement.

I was on board if it turned out that he had harmed Gennie.

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