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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 108

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 108 Two Miserable Souls From The Cursed Pack (Caspian Diego)

Many years Ago:

“Happy birthday to you,”

“Happy birthday to you,”

I heard my sister’s giggle and saw her clapping as she brought out the cake. Her gorgeous green eyes sparkled as she brushed her short black hair and beamed with a wide smile.

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“Make a wish,” she urged, sitting beside me on the blue couch, dressed in a black outfit.

I closed my eyes and wished for her happiness. She wasn’t just my sister; she was also a mother figure to me. My actual mother passed away when I was just a few months old. My father, for some unknown reason, didn’t disclose her death to anyone. He kept her body in his room, or rather, he preserved her corpse in his bedroom until the pack members started noticing a foul smell.

My sister was only around twelve at that time, and she had to persuade my father to finally let go of our mother’s remains and grant her the peace of rest. It was necessary before the pack members discovered the grim reality and labeled my father, the pack’s alpha, as insane.

Thankfully, Dad heeded my sister’s words. She was their favored child. However, that didn’t imply they weren’t eager for my birth.

My parents had been eagerly awaiting my arrival because they hoped for a boy to inherit the alpha position in the pack. My sister would eventually marry and depart from the pack, leaving the alpha status vacant without her. And for that reason, they needed me. “Now, let’s cut the cake,” she gently tapped my shoulder, pulling me out of my reverie. I smiled at her and proceeded to cut the cake, my gaze wandering around the room as I pouted a little sadly.

“Dad never comes to celebrate my birthday,” I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest.

“You know the pack is currently dealing with an attack from the wild wolves. They’ve returned, and we don’t have a choice but to defend ourselves,” she murmured, a faint smile on her l*ips. “But I’m here for you and with you, aren’t I?” She playfully ruffled my hair, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

She was truly the best sister in the world. I had turned ten that day, and she was nearly twenty-two. As I remembered her sharing that our parents had initially hoped for a boy to become the pack’s alpha, I couldn’t help but wonder what had shifted in the meantime.

“Dad doesn’t want me to be the alpha anymore?” I asked, the conversations I’d overheard echoing in my mind. It wasn’t like I hadn’t heard people discussing it. Dad was clearly against the idea of me becoming the alpha, someone whom he believed had been responsible for the death of his beloved Luna.

“That’s not true. You’re just quite young, that’s all. And the pack needs an alpha urgently,” she said, wearing a faint smile that she usually had when she was telling a lie but feeling guilty about it.

“You don’t have to cover for Dad. I know he doesn’t favor me. Isn’t this the reason he made you reject your first mate? He wants you to be the alpha and remain here in the pack,” I pouted, arms folded over my chest.

“Ian, don’t dwell on it too much, alright? Everything will work out. I’m not upset about rejecting my mate. It’s not as if he loved me anyway,” she lied. I knew she desired a mate, but she was coerced by Dad into silence.

“I’m okay. Let’s just enjoy this cake and then go to bed. Dad will be back home soon,” a melancholic smile appeared on her l*ips when she mentioned Dad. It was as if she wanted to be anywhere else but here.

I didn’t comprehend the situation fully. I was too preoccupied with wondering why I seemed to be so disliked by everyone in the pack.

They suspected I had a hand in my mother’s death, and somewhere along the line, I started to believe it myself.

We consumed about half of the cake while discussing various topics, and then she tucked me into bed.

“Are you going to share the story about the rogue guy who meets the princess and they decide to run away? You haven’t mentioned it for a few days now,” I held onto her hand, not letting her leave the room until she recounted the next part of the story.

She told me it was something she had fabricated herself.

However, I found it captivating, as I had never encountered a rogue before. The way my sister portrayed him in the story made me believe that rogues must be extraordinary in some way. “Not tonight, Ian. I’m feeling a bit tired, alright?” she said, her eyes glistening with tears as she gently freed her hand from my grip and adjusted the blanket over me. She looked so sorrowful.

As she exited the room, I made up my mind to follow her and find out what was troubling her.

There was no chance she had gone to bed this early. Perhaps we could chat about how this pack originally belonged to my mother’s father and how he had handed it over to my father after he married my mother. We might even share the leftover cake.

As I strolled along the hallway, I caught the sound of my father’s voice and immediately ducked behind the wall to avoid being noticed by him. He had returned from the battleground where he had been guiding his warriors all day; he would be quite angry.

If he happened to find me at this moment, he might use me as an outlet for his anger.

Remaining concealed behind the wall, I witnessed Kellice emerging from behind my sister, clad in a very short nightdress.

“Go inside and wait for me,” Dad instructed her, his gaze leaving no room for disobedience. She appeared frightened, but why was he leading her to his room?

“Please, my sister would be so upset if she saw–,” she protested, but my dad seized her arm and forcefully pushed her inside.

“Your sister is dead, and you are not. Do what’s right and don’t push me over the edge,” Dad shouted, striding in after her.

Kellice mentioned another sister; I had no idea we had another sibling…

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