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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 109

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 109 He Stole My Virginity (Genevieve Swan)

“Casp–” I hissed as I sensed something piercing my skin, my eyelids growing heavy. Soon enough, my struggles ceased, and he easily overpowered me without any noise or cries for help escaping my l*ips.

Soon, dizziness engulfed me, and I lost consciousness in the backseat of the car. When I awoke, I found myself bound and my b*ody wracked with intense pain. The car’s clock displayed around 3 pm. I was surprised I had remained unconscious for such an extended period. However, we were still inside the car, and he was driving me somewhere.

“Caspian,” I murmured his name, overwhelmed with fatigue. I thought I felt some bruises around my thighs, but I couldn’t discern whether they were actual bruises or simply a result of the struggles I had put up in my attempts to break free.

“Stay calm, you’re okay,” Caspian’s voice was devoid of emotion as he continued driving to an undisclosed destination.

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“Where are you taking me?” I inquired, attempting to open my eyes, but the sun’s brightness was blinding.

“We’re not going anywhere,” he muttered. His expression was lifeless and rigid, focused on the road ahead. Glancing around, I recognized that we were considerably far from our home in the mountains.

“Caspian, please let me go,” as I gradually regained consciousness, the gravity of the situation began to sink in.

I couldn’t comprehend his intentions. What was he planning to do to me, or had he already done something? “Gen, please, don’t talk right now. I’ve made a mistake that I’ll… regret for the rest of my life,” he almost broke down, then composed himself, taking a deep breath to steady his voice.

His words filled me with fear. “What have you done?” I asked, but he remained silent, refusing to share further details.

“Where are you taking me?” I began to whimper, my anxiety intensifying as I remained clueless about what had transpired during the hours I was unconscious.

“Gen, please, I’m begging you to stop talking,” he pleaded, his voice fractured. I was becoming increasingly fearful of him and my circumstances. A sense of unease was creeping over me, suggesting that something might have occurred during the time I was unconscious.

The strange numbness in my lower b*ody heightened my concern.

“I’ll explain everything once you’ve composed yourself,” he insisted, though it was clear he himself was struggling to maintain his composure.

He seemed unwilling to divulge what had happened, or perhaps what he had done.

“S*hit,” he cursed again, his frustration evident as he nearly struck the steering wheel. After regaining his composure, he continued driving.

A few minutes passed since I regained consciousness, and I noticed him glancing at the rearview mirror, his expression turning grim.

“Someb*ody’s tailing us,” he said, his voice filled with alarm.

“They’re rogues,” his words held a sense of shock, and for a moment, it seemed as if a chill had gripped him. Soon, he began taking abrupt turns, seemingly trying to evade the pursuers. “Where are you taking me?” I inquired once more, my unease growing as he accelerated the car.

“I’m taking you to a motel, alright?” he finally responded, his voice tense. He seemed to notice my attempts to free my legs and the fact that I was biting into the ropes that bound my wrists. “Why? Why aren’t we going back home?” I questioned, trying to hold back my tears, fearing they might provoke him. He clearly wasn’t behaving rationally, so I needed to be cautious.

“We will go home, but first… we need to do something at the motel. Look, we’ll freshen up and then head back home,” he whispered, avoiding my gaze. “Why? Why do we have to clean up first? We can shower at home,” I was genuinely perplexed by his insistence on not returning home before freshening up.

“You don’t understand. I stand to lose everything if they find out what happened–” his words faded away as he lowered his voice even further.

However, it was evident that he had managed to distance us from the pursuing rogues. They were likely unable to chase us further in their full wolf forms due to the bustling road Caspian had chosen.

Clearly, the rogues were unwelcome in our vicinity. But what if those pursuing us weren’t rogues, but rather the cursed wild wolves?

“We should head back home and inform the others about spotting those wild wolves. I think those creatures were–,” I started to sit up and address him, but he shook his head and shushed me.

“Please, don’t talk,” he implored once more, causing me to fall silent and grow even more apprehensive. Soon, he parked the car at a secluded motel, stepping out and freeing my bound hands and feet.

“Don’t attempt to escape. We’re unfamiliar here, so it’s best if you simply follow my instructions. I promise I won’t harm you. We’re going to go inside, freshen up, change, and then return home, alright, my princess?” His gentle t*ouch cradled my face as he placed a kiss on my forehead, yet his tear-filied eyes continued to unnerve me.

What was happening? Why was he so afraid? As he guided me out of the car and led me inside, it dawned on me that he had already reserved a room.

Upon entering the room and receiving the new dress he handed me, I became aware of something unusual about my b*ody.

Fear and a flood of questions swirled within me. To verify whether my b*ody had indeed undergone changes, I knew I had to conduct a self-examination. Realizing he wasn’t being truthful, I opted to investigate myself rather than engage in further arguments.

Hastening into the bathroom as suspicion overcame me, I lifted my dress, only to discover that I was no longer wearing anything beneath my silk nightdress. Red stains of blood were evident between my legs. “No!” I gasped, the dress slipping from my grasp as I clutched my mouth with my hands. A single realization struck me with chilling certainty—he had taken my virginity.

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