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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 112

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 112 I Must Save Our Relationship (Caspian Diego)

I left to go for a run, unable to face them all. I knew I was at fault, and I owned that, but they had no clue about what had transpired during those critical hours. The version of truth they had was vastly different from the reality I was aware of. Nonetheless, I’d be the one bearing the weight of guilt, regardless of the circumstances.

‘We’re screwed. She’ll never trust us again,’ Cas murmured, his voice heavy with guilt, mirroring my own feelings. ‘I never anticipated changing my mind. If only I hadn’t let myself get carried away–,’ I covered my face with my hands and sank down against the tree trunk, vividly recalling the intensity of anger and resentment in her eyes.

As if things weren’t complicated enough, my father’s incessant calls kept bombarding my phone.

‘It’s all his fault,’ Cas whispered, but I shook my head in disagreement. ‘I’m responsible for what happened. I should have said no, but it was my decision entirely. Remember, that’s why we married her in the first place?’ The weight of my misguided choices pressed heavily on me. Initially, I truly believed I was pursuing something meaningful. I had been driven by my own motivations, but circumstances have drastically shifted.

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Who could have foreseen that the very person I intended to bring down would turn out to be the one I’d feel a mate bond with?

My attention was diverted by a message from my father that appeared on my phone.

Alpha: Don’t return without achieving something.

I grunted in frustration, gripping my hair with my hands and letting out a pained cry. I couldn’t believe how terribly the night had unfolded. It felt like I had lost my entire world. My own pack wouldn’t accept me if I didn’t comply with my father’s demands, and Gen perceived me as the monster who had taken her virginity.

As I closed my eyes, tears threatening to escape, memories resurfaced of a time when she had been beside me, offering solace as I cried in her lap.

How could I have inflicted such harm on someone so kind?

Suddenly, a forceful grip on my collar snapped me out of my reverie. I opened my eyes to find Wolvin towering over me.

“You f*ucking t*ouched her, you raped her,” he screamed, his anger palpable. The first blow he landed sent me sprawling to the ground. I could fight back. Just because his human form was larger didn’t mean our wolf forms were any weaker. We were as potent as he was, the four most powerful beings in the world of Sanova. But guilt engulfed me, and I knew I deserved every bit of the beating he was about to unleash upon me.

The accusations were both painful and incorrect. They made me feel like a vile individual. I had to conjure a better explanation, something that could at least temper their harsh judgment and accusations.

“I didn’t t*ouch her–,” I murmured through the blood in my mouth, as Wolvin pulled me upright once more. His powerful grip closed around my throat, and he forcefully pushed me against a tree trunk, his vacant eyes boring into mine with deadly intent. “Then clarify what Bellamy and Emre were saying,” he demanded with a frustrated tone.

So, they had witnessed the bloodstains too.

“I can explain all of it,” I stammered, on the brink of tears. The full moon had passed, and yet I hadn’t been able to carry out my mission. I’m nothing but a failure. I can’t even fulfill a simple task. No one can depend on me.

“I… I did take her in the car. I wanted to surprise her, just like Bellamy did,” I struggled to speak, each word strained as I recounted my actions. “I was aware of my actions last night. I noticed how she was looking at me and Bellamy after we didn’t stand up for her and chose to focus on Bellamy taking her instead. So, I took her out… and then she began resisting. I thought maybe it would be alright to make her sleep for a while. After all, Bellamy had taken her to her mother’s grave without her consent. And then… as I drove away, I parked by the woods, intending for her to wake up before taking her to a motel for a weekend together–”

My explanation was becoming increasingly difficult as Wolvin’s grip on my neck grew tighter, making it hard to speak and breathe.

He seemed poised to capitalize on any slip of my words, ready to snap my neck, mend it, and then repeat the process until I begged for release.

“Keep talking,” he hissed with an unsettling growl, his voice dripping with menace.

“And then some rogues emerged from the woods–” as soon as I mentioned his kind, his brows furrowed with a mixture of anger and suspicion, “and they began attacking her. I fought back with all my strength, but they outnumbered me, and she was defenseless… I couldn’t protect her for long. They managed to drag her into the woods, but that’s when I–I chased after them and eliminated them. The blood on her is theirs. She’s still a virgin,” I concluded, a weight lifting off me as I awaited his response.

He continued to stare at me intently, his gaze then shifting to my neck and arms.

“The rogues scratched you?” Wolvin’s question carried a note of skepticism, suggesting he wasn’t fully buying my explanation.

“They did,” I affirmed, my nervousness evident.

“That’s how they fought me. I didn’t want to transform and lose track of her,” I babbled, my voice quivering along with uncontrollable gulps. “Then we’ll conduct a test to determine whose blood is on her l*egs,” his statement was unusually calculated, an unexpected sign that he was thinking ahead, and it didn’t bode well for me. “Why bother? Just check if she’s still a virgin. No need to test the b–blood,” I stuttered, watching as Wolvin shook his head in response.

“You’re coming with me,” he asserted, gripping my collar and forcefully dragging me back home. The idea of facing her again filled me with discomfort and disgust.

I had no clue if the others would buy into my explanation.

‘Cas! What should we do now? If they test the blood, we’re in deep trouble,’ I communicated silently while following Wolvin.

‘We can’t let that happen,’ Cas responded, his tone determined. All I could hope for was that she had already taken a shower.

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