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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 113

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 113 Let The Bad One Take The Fall (Emre Shield)

We waited impatiently for Wolvin to return, bringing Caspian home. As the moment finally arrived, Caspian stood before us, his hands bound across his c*hest, his gaze avoiding mine. Gennie was still sleeping on the couch, blissfully unaware of the turmoil unfolding around her.

“So, you’re saying that rogues attacked you?” I inquired, my anger simmering beneath the surface.

“Yes,” he replied, echoing the same story he had told Wolvin. Wolvin had informed us that Caspian had stuck to the exact same script without any deviation, as if he had memorized it. “Very well. We’ll need to conduct tests, including the blood test,” I nodded, with Bellamy offering a confirming gesture. The gravity of the situation was clear, especially considering what Wolvin had shared with us – that Caspian seemed to lose control when the topic of tests was broached.

“Do you really expect us to believe your words?” Caspian’s question carried a tone of frustration, and a scoff involuntarily escaped my l*ips.

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“You kidnapped her, drugged her, and she woke up in this condition. What are we supposed to think?” I shouted, no longer willing to endure his falsehoods. “I’m not lying. I didn’t harm her. I was only trying to do what Bellamy did for her,” he persisted with his misguided tale of being a hero. Bellamy couldn’t contain his anger any longer.

“I did none of that, and you know it. Don’t you dare use that excuse,” Bellamy’s voice raised sharply, rousing Genevieve from her slumber.

A heavy silence enveloped us all as we gazed at her, then turned our attention to Caspian. He appeared stricken, fear evident in his eyes. The night was dark and stormy outside, sirens occasionally piercing the air. We were fortunate to have returned home in time, but Genevieve’s state was undeniably dire. “Eh!” Gennie groaned, gradually opening her eyes and glancing around. It took her a moment to fully comprehend what had transpired earlier.

Once the memories resurfaced, she jerked herself awake, her breathing escalating as she sat up in bed. “Why is he here?” she yelled, pointing an accusatory f*inger at Caspian. He attempted to approach her, presumably to explain, but stepped back when Wolvin slapped his c*hest, forcibly keeping him away from her.

The realization that we had been sharing a room with such a repugnant individual all along was distressing. “Don’t worry, he won’t be able to hurt you anymore,” I hurried to her side, attempting to comfort her. However, she still looked terrified of Caspian’s presence.

“I didn’t do anything. You’re still a virgin,” Caspian abruptly claimed, trying to pacify her. Her anxiety seemed to momentarily subside.

“It’s true, I never had s*ex with you,” he repeated, emphasizing his point. “Then–” before she could voice her thoughts, Bellamy sat down beside her and gently took her hand in his own. “We’ll conduct some tests and figure out how to handle him,” Bellamy proposed, and once again, Caspian’s distress was evident.

His resistance to the idea only confirmed his guilt and wrongdoings. I couldn’t predict how Gennie would react once the truth was confirmed, but at least we’d have a chance to rid ourselves of this arrogant alpha.

It was disheartening; we had been getting closer as brothers over the past few months, but that connection was now irreparably tainted. I could never consider someone like him a brother.

“And until then–” Wolvin began to speak, but his words were cut short by a loud bang against the bedroom window, immediately followed by a power outage.

Bellamy and I were seated close to Gennie, and we could sense her fear as she clung to our hands with a tight grip. “It’s okay. It’s probably just the storm,” I tried to reassure her, but when the loud thud was accompanied by a chilling howl, it became clear that the situation was more dire.

“This isn’t the sound of a normal werewolf,” I whispered to Bellamy, observing Wolvin using his phone’s flashlight to inspect the area around the window.

“These are wild wolves,” Wolvin declared, and suddenly, everything fell into place. This explained the persistent sirens over the past few days.

“We should check the power switch,” I suggested, and we exchanged uncertain glances.

“I’ll do it,” Wolvin offered, but Bellamy and I were quick to object. Wild wolves were dangerous adversaries. Even though we might be stronger, their bites could inflict life-threatening damage.

“No, you’re not going out there,” I stated firmly, and Wolvin’s expression darkened. I knew he was inclined to investigate or start the generator, but why should it be him?

“I agree with Emre. Why would you risk your life? There’s someone whose life holds little value here,” Bellamy’s words shifted the attention to Caspian. He tilted his head, studying us before realization dawned that we were indeed talking about him.

“Isn’t that right, Caspian?” Bellamy hissed.

“I think it’s a good idea for Caspian to leave the house and survey the property,” I concurred, voicing the thought aloud. Wolvin remained silent, but I paid little attention to his lack of input. We couldn’t count on his limited understanding anyway. Anyone who sided even slightly with Caspian held no value in our eyes.

At least Wolvin didn’t object. He stepped away from the door, signaling for Caspian to comply with our demand. I noticed Caspian attempting to establish eye contact with Gennie, but she steadfastly refused to acknowledge him. Given the circumstances, her stance was completely understandable.

Now that no one was supporting him, Caspian nodded and moved toward the door. He took a deep breath before stepping outside. Wolvin promptly closed the door and secured it with the deadbolt. With Caspian outside, we were now waiting for him to return and for the power to be restored.

“I can sense them on our property,” Wolvin suddenly announced, and a shiver ran down my spine as tension rippled through our group.

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