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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 114

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 114 The Blood Between My L*egs (Genevieve Swan)

In the midst of the unfolding chaos, I felt lost and uncertain about what course of action to take. We appeared to be under attack, and we had sent Caspian outside to turn on the generator. Despite his claims, I couldn’t find any sympathy for him, as his story simply didn’t add up. I was fully onboard with conducting tests to uncover the truth, although I was still struggling to determine what kind of punishment I’d deliver once the truth was undeniable.

I knew what had happened, and there seemed to be no other plausible explanation for the situation. “I can see his flashlight,” Wolvin announced, his gaze directed towards the window. I remained seated as the others got up to observe the scene outside.

A sudden, powerful howl followed by a growl from Caspian indicated that he had transitioned into his wolf form. Bellamy’s suggestion about helping him prompted Emre to exchange a meaningful look with Bellamy, as if Bellamy had accidentally let slip his true thoughts. I couldn’t blame them – the division of opinions was natural until we had the test results.

I stood from the couch and approached the window, trying to discern the chaos outside through the dusty storm. The situation remained obscured from our view, and our attention was diverted by a loud banging on the door.

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“I think it’s him,” Emre murmured, rushing to the door and peering outside. He opened the door, allowing Caspian to stumble in. He was covered in blood, naked after reverting to his human form. I turned my gaze away, unsure of how to hide my conflicted emotions. It bothered me that I felt a shred of concern for him.

For now, I needed answers. “Help him,” I spoke up, surprising my mates who turned to stare at my face with confusion etched in their expressions. “Innocent until proven guilty,” I emphasized, making it clear that we needed the tests to ascertain the truth. “I’ll go outside and start the generator,” Wolvin declared, taking charge and leaving the house without taking any weapons. As he departed, a menacing growl echoed, indicating his wolf’s emergence. It suggested that there were a significant number of wild wolves outside.

“I’m alright,” Caspian began to regain consciousness immediately, though he bore severe scratches. Bellamy handed him a pair of shorts, but both Bellamy and Emre maintained a noticeable distance from him. They weren’t willing to get close or take care of him in any way.

We circled around as Caspian settled onto the couch, grimacing as he applied alcohol to his wounds, causing him to hiss in pain.

“Any wild ones left outside?” Emre inquired, his tone detached and flat. “No. I think most of them have dispersed. Maybe just one or two left,” Caspian paused, his expression shifting as the lights fl*ickered back on. Wolvin reentered the room, revealing that he had allowed his wolf to take control only momentarily, using the threatening growl as a warning without transitioning fully.

“No wolves outside,” Wolvin commented, observing my scrutiny as I assessed his condition.

“Gennie, you should go rest,” Wolvin suggested, his eyes reflecting his concern for me.

“Don’t take a shower. We’ll wait for sunrise and then take you to the hospital,” Bellamy chimed in, prompting a change in Caspian’s complexion.

“I didn’t do anything,” he mumbled, his words seemingly directed at me.

“We’ll find out,” Emre responded, as I had chosen not to engage with him at all.

I couldn’t shake off the memories of waking up in that car and the horrifying discovery of the blood between my l*egs. It was a trauma that was hard to forget.

Caspian was prohibited from entering the bedroom. Emre and Bellamy stayed with me while Wolvin remained with Caspian, ensuring he wouldn’t attempt to flee. They were effectively keeping him under guard until we received the test results.

The following morning was tense. I refrained from showering or doing anything that might compromise the accuracy of the test results. I was determined to obtain precise information.

As I left the room, I couldn’t help but notice that Caspian appeared quite unwell. He seemed to be in a state of discomfort, struggling to communicate with anyone. I couldn’t discern whether he was feigning guilt or innocence. Regardless, I didn’t linger to investigate further, nor did I want to.

I spent some time with the female doctor, undergoing a thorough examination. She collected DNA samples from my thighs and other areas for more comprehensive tests in the future. However, at that moment, her focus was on assessing my overall condition.

As she inspected me for a some time, she sat back and let me fixed my black dress that landed way down from my knees.

“Your hymen seems pretty intact still. There is no sign of any penetration anywhere as well,” she continued to talk. But after the very first thing she said, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief hit me.

The situation didn’t align with my initial assumptions. Caspian’s behavior had led me to believe that he had assaulted me, and his subsequent apology and demeanor of guilt were baffling. “So, you mentioned experiencing pain?” the doctor inquired, her expression displaying genuine concern. I didn’t want her to share any details with Monique.

“Yeah, I had a little bicycle mishap,” I laughed awkwardly, feeling a bit foolish. “I was just worried it might have caused some issues.”

Thankfully, she smiled reassuringly at me, which eased some of my anxiety. “No, you seem to be in good health. If you’re experiencing any back pain, I can prescribe a medication forthat,” she assured me, jotting down the prescription. However, my thoughts were scattered, and I couldn’t focus properly. At least, he didn’t rape me.

One might assume that I would feel relieved, and I was, to some extent. However, I was also taken aback. I had been so convinced that I would receive distressing news, but now I found myself contemplating different scenarios that might have transpired.

Leaving the clinic, I entered the car where Bellamy was already seated, gripping the steering wheel tightly. He was bracing himself for the news that could determine Caspian’s destiny.

“Tell me, what should we do with that guy?” Bellamy’s eyes closed as he muttered, clearly overwhelmed.

“Perhaps we should start by asking him about what truly happened,” I replied in a composed manner, causing him to open his eyes and gaze at me intently. “He didn’t r*ape me,” I stated calmly, the revelation marking a significant shift in our understanding of the situation.

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