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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 116

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 116 The Pack’s Breeder (Caspian Diego)

Many Years Ago:

It was already heartbreaking that my sister had been sick for the entire past year, and now things had taken a strange turn.

“What’s happening?” I watched everyone rushing around in tears. They looked terrified, and someone was moving through the crowd with my sister in his arms.

“Dad? What happened to her?” I broke down instantly at the sight of her lifelessly lying in his arms. None of her muscles moved, not even when dad rushed into the room, causing her lifelessly swaying arm to get caught in the door. She didn’t defend herself or flinch in pain. It was absolutely terrifying.

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I managed to slip into the room with my dad and the other doctors from the pack, or should I say whatever was left of the pack.

“What’s happening to her?” my dad asked the doctors, pacing around the bed with anxiety evident as she lay in the center. I could see bite marks covering her b*ody, with blood flowing from them.

“She’s been bitten by the wild wolves,” the doctor didn’t even want to approach her. They seemed afraid of her, treating her as if she were a monster. But I knew the truth. There was no way my sister could be anything that would inspire fear in someone.

Her kindness and gentleness knew no bounds.

“What?” Dad placed a hand over his heart, slowly kneeling down, overcome by terror.

“Kellice, what happened to you?” I whispered from the corner of the room. “What can we do to save her?” Dad stood up again, insisting that the doctors do everything they could to help her recover.

“I don’t think there is anything we can do. You’ve been witnessing the alpha king’s guard take care of everyone who’s been infected. If there was a cure, do you think so many others would have died?” The doctor’s words were etched in my memory.

Was I going to lose my sister? “That can’t be true. There has to be something,” I couldn’t contain myself any longer and sprung to my feet, imploring the doctor for assistance. I was only twelve, but that didn’t mean I didn’t understand anything.

Eveready turned to me, while I stood there, thin and sleep-deprived. Dad was somewhat harsh with me, but he said it was because I wasn’t worthy of being an alpha of the pack.

He said my sister was the one he was interested in grooming for the throne, that she should be the pack’s breeder, or whatever that meant.

“I’ve heard that the Luna Queen Shiloh might have been infected with the same virus, but she survived for a long time. Perhaps we can save Kellice too?” I quickly added to be of help, anticipating my father’s potential reaction.

For the first time in my life, I saw my father looking so fondly at me. It was as if he liked the idea.

“That’s true. I’ve heard those rumors myself,” my dad smiled warmly, turning to the doctors.

“She was a Luna queen. Plus, whatever needs to be done is in the hands of the alpha king, Bernard. If you can manage to appeal to him for help, maybe he can do something about it,” the doctor dismissed, unwilling to put in any effort.

“It’s okay. We’ll go there and ask him for help, won’t we, Dad?” I turned to my father, who seemed lost in thought before nodding his head.

“But we have to chain her up before we leave,” Dad suggested, and soon a few warriors from the pack entered with chains. She was under high protection and captivity.

I didn’t know what would happen if she broke free, but I assumed it would mean death for us and a death sentence for her. Alpha King Bernard had ordered every infected werewolf to be killed instantly.

My father and I got into our car and headed to the royal mansion of the alpha king. We had to go through some screening to ensure we weren’t infected. It was only after I stepped into the mansion that I realized how calm and peaceful it was here.

It didn’t even seem like there was a war going on outside. They were feasting and celebrating.

Amidst it all, I saw her again, and my heart skipped a beat. She was almost my age but so different from the kids of our age.

Princess Genevieve Swan.

My childhood crush.

My b*ody was covered in goosebumps as I discreetly wiped my face and fixed my hair while passing her. Her delicate hands were tied in front of her b*ody as she crossed paths with us. She didn’t even lift her eyes to glance at me. I mean, why would she? I was just a boy with no title. I was skinny and probably looked like someone who had emerged straight from the grave. I didn’t realize I had stopped walking, lost in watching her until I felt a hard slap on the back of my head.

“Ow!” I winced, massaging my scalp and glancing at the kids around who had started to laugh at me.

Once the hallway was empty, I turned to my father, who had struck me. “What were you looking at, you piece of s*hit?” he hissed, looking around to ensure no one was witnessing him terrorize me.

“She can never be yours. She’s the alpha king’s daughter and the sole heir. Whoever she chooses will become the alpha king. Forget about her; she’s out of your league. And if I catch you writing her name on tree trunks with your blood again, I will damn well hang you–,” Dad cleared his throat abruptly when we spotted Alpha King Bernard and his seer Monique approaching us.

They were dressed in el*egant attire, probably prepared to attend a costume party, while we had interrupted their cheerful evening.

It was disheartening to witness the alpha king appearing so unconcerned when so many were dying out there. “My daughter is dying,” Dad didn’t even wait for them to ask him anything; he dropped to his knees. In those few seconds, I saw a smirk appear on Monique’s l*ips, and instantly, I sensed her hostility.

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