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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 122

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 122 Giving My Ex A Chance (Genevieve Swan)

“So, tell me, what do I need to do?” I inquired, eagerly awaiting his response. I had been hearing his father speak about how he would perish if his son did, but for some reason, I sensed there was another underlying concern he held.

Nonetheless, I refrained from passing judgment on a father’s love, letting it slide, and concentrating on saving Caspian.

“Is there a way?” I asked, and after a few tense moments and my heart racing, he finally replied.

“There certainly is.”

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At that moment, a huge smile of relief graced my l*ips. I couldn’t believe my ears. So I asked him again, and he responded in the exact same way.

“There is?”

“I told you, there is.”

“So, what is it? Please tell me,” I insisted, my heart pounding harder than ever.

“You have to steal from your father,” he repeated once more, and I felt a surge of confusion.

“Alright! What do I need for it?” I asked, and he began explaining. Yet, something in his voice hinted that he wasn’t being entirely sincere.

Nevertheless, he was his father and claimed to be the sole one who knew how to aid Caspian. I was prepared to do whatever it took.

“In the royal lockers, there is a powder made from a specific herb that once grew on sacred grounds. We need a small amount of that powder,” he offered rather vague instructions, causing me to shake my head in confusion.

“I can’t just go into the lockers and look for a random powder. How will I even recognize the right one? Those lockers must contain a multitude of items,” I said, unintentionally raising my voice until he grunted from the other side. “Mr. Diego! We need to I had only just managed to calm myself when he interjected from the other side, correcting me.

“Alpha I-Oh!”

I nodded, finding it somewhat peculiar that he was focusing on correcting my address when he should have been more focused on his son’s health. “Alpha l-Oh, please, can you now tell me more about this powder?” I asked, adopting a softer tone in an attempt to extract more information from his egotistical demeanor.

“It will be a green powder. When exposed to sunlight, it shines pink,” he explained more clearly and then disclosed its name, “henbane.” “Understood,” I whispered.

“So, I just need to give him the powder?” I inquired, but as soon as I raised this question, he let out another grunt that left me bewildered.

“No! There is a specific ritual that must be performed. Don’t take any action without my instructions,” he insisted. “Tell me, are there any other of your mates in the house?” he inquired, and I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me through the screen. “They are not here,” I replied.

“Hmm! Then I will come over to take care of Caspian. Since they’re not around either, someone has to be present. But listen, don’t tell your mates anything for now. I don’t want the information leaking out. What if one of your mates is highly competitive and decides to eliminate competition by informing your father that you’re stealing from him?” he hissed as he discussed my other mates. I felt a need to defend them, as he hadn’t even met them and was talking about them as if they were certain to do something so malicious.

“My mates are not like that. They care about Caspian,” I retorted, my tone no longer gentle.

“Then how did he end up getting wounded? Why wasn’t anyone there to protect my son?” he raised his voice as well. “All I’m asking from you is to retrieve the henbane, return home, and then we can inform your other mates. I’ve already lost a daughter, and I’m not going to allow anyone to make a mistake when it comes to my son,” he emphasized, making it evident that his fear stemmed from his deep love and concern for his son.

Despite feeling an urge to contact my mates, I chose to respect a father’s decision. I realized I had to do this alone; my father would never allow others into the royal lockers.

The most amusing part was that, even though my name was on the list, I had never set foot in the royal lockers. I started pacing around, pondering my next move. If I asked my father, he would surely refuse, and I’d lose any chance of obtaining that herb. Caspian’s health was deteriorating rapidly, and my mates were nowhere to be found.

It was at that moment that I faced a difficult decision: I had to seek help from someone else.

“Ron! If you truly want to make amends, now is your chance,” I uttered, calling him. He didn’t waste a single moment before picking up my call.

“Hey, are you okay?” The concern in his voice when he realized I was calling him indicated that he knew this wasn’t just a casual chat.

“I’m in desperate need of something,” I bit my tongue, turning my face away from my reflection in the mirror.

“Tell me, I’ll get it for you,” he seemed eager to assist.

“It’s something I need from the royal lockers,” I said with some difficulty, given the long pause that followed, increasing the chances of him declining to help.

“Alright, what is it?” he continued to inquire.

“Have you ever heard of the herb called henbane?” I asked. As soon as I mentioned the name, he let out a scoff. “Please don’t tell me your mates are making you steal from your father now?” I instantly regretted calling him.

“You know what? Thank you for making me realize I wasted my time,” I immediately countered, letting him know that I was genuinely relying on his help this time.

“Hey! Wait,” he protested from the other side, but I had already ended the call. He started calling me again, but my cellphone’s battery had died too. So I plugged my cellphone in to charge and decided to visit the royal lockers myself.

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