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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 124

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 124 Left My Mate With The Devil (Caspian Diego)

A Day Ago:

“Dad, I don’t want to take her blood against her will,” I finally spoke up, now seeing things from my father’s perspective and taking a stand. But it wasn’t for myself; it was for Gen.

She didn’t deserve this kind of treatment. All her life, she had been mistreated and coerced into doing things she didn’t want to do. If I did the same to her now, it would leave her traumatized for life, unable to trust anyone ever again.

“What are you saying? You want us to wait for her to wake up so she can call her father and tell him what we tried to do to her?” he yelled, still attempting to look over my shoulder at her.

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“She would never do that,” I asserted firmly, blocking his view.

“Oh, my son, you naive boy,” he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“You think you can tell her all about having a wild wolf in our pack, and she won’t object? The first thing she’ll do is go tell her father, and then everything will unravel from there. He’ll come after your sister, and they’ll question the dead body I gave them,” I realized my dad was not only concerned for himself but also didn’t trust the royals.

“I know her, Dad! I’ve spent months with her. I know she would never do anything like that,” I reassured him, even though he seemed quite upset about my plans. “Fine then, let’s see how much she can help you,” my dad finally relented when he realized I wasn’t giving up this time.

He should have known that when it came to Gen, I didn’t play games. I had hidden my feelings from myself for too long, trying to look away from the love I had carried for her since the beginning. But enough was enough; I couldn’t lie anymore.

“Let’s take her home, then. I heard there are rogues wandering around this area,” Dad suggested, and I nodded in agreement. I followed my dad’s car, and soon we were in my fallen pack.

I carried Gen into my old bedroom, making sure she was comfortable.

“What is it?” I had a feeling that someone was watching me.

“She is beautiful,” Denise remarked, standing in the doorway and continuing to stare at Gen.

“Yeah, well, don’t keep staring at my princess,” I rolled my eyes and walked toward the door, gently pushing her out of the room and locking the door. “You’re really going against your father for her? I thought she was just a brat to you. Guess you fooled everyone,” she had a smirk tinged with sadness on her l*ips.

I remembered my dad asking me if I loved her. When it was announced that Lord Bernard was looking for strong mates for his daughter, my dad had been skeptical about sending me there. He thought that if I were in love with her, I would never go against her.

“I learned from the best,” I hinted at my father before stepping away.

I had to go see Kell ice. She must have been so happy to see Gen if she was in her senses today. I remembered when I was only twelve, I had told her that I was praying to be fated to Gen.

She would laugh at me, but then she would gently t*ouch my head and say, “You deserve someone amazing like her.”

I still cherished those words and felt amazing because she was the only one who believed in me.

“How is she?” I asked my father as I reached the door.

“Just the same as ever. I don’t know how much longer her body will hold out,” his voice was heavy as he spoke about her condition. We had kept her in chains for years. She had almost broken all of her bones, and her condition was deteriorating.

If we managed to save her now, everything would finally be over, and she could have a chance to live a happy life once again.

“I’ll go prepare everything. Take a moment and see her,” Dad whispered before walking away.

I stood outside the door for a moment, summoning all the courage I could muster. It was never easy to see her in that state. Before I opened the door, I made a silent promise to myself that this would be the last time I saw her like this. The next time I visited her, she would smile back at me and even laugh with me. The thought brought a smile to my l*ips. And then I opened the door to confront the harsh reality. She was eating from a bowl like a dog, and my heart ached.

She didn’t deserve any of this. She had been nothing more than a young woman when she was bitten by a wild wolf. It haunted me that every night when we slept in our comfortable beds, she would howl and cry out while being chained to the wall.

“It’s all ending today. Remember Princess Gen? She’s going to save you,” I said, but I couldn’t muster enough courage to step beyond the entrance.

“I’ll go prepare everything. I hope you can meet her, and maybe… we can start making things better from tonight,” my heart yearned for her approval, but she didn’t even acknowledge my presence. “I’ve missed you, sister,” I whispered under my breath before exiting the room and locking her behind the imposing silver door once again.

Her appearance was haunting.

I decided to return to my room and wait for Gen to wake up. It should be me she sees instead of an empty bedroom; otherwise, she might freak out.

As soon as I made my way to the hallway, I saw light emanating from inside my bedroom. That wasn’t right. There should have been no light because I had closed the door. As the reality began to sink in, I rushed and entered the room to a horrifying scene.

“What the heck is going on here?” My voice couldn’t even leave my throat. I was momentarily paralyzed, feeling responsible for everything.

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