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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 125

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 125 His Dirty Eyes And My Innocent Mate (Caspian Diego)

A Day Ago:

“Step away from her!” I yelled as I rushed inside and pushed the old ladies away. They were in the midst of undressing her, or at least in the process of undressing her.

“What’s going on here?” It wasn’t difficult for me to understand what was really happening, but I desperately wished it weren’t true.

They were in the process of pulling her panties off when I arrived.

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“She needs to be clean for the alpha,” the old lady said, and my heart skipped a beat. I knew exactly which alpha they were referring to. It wasn’t me; it was my father.

“He’s a damn old man, and she’s my mate!” I yelled, grabbing the old lady by her arm and forcefully pushing her away. “You shouldn’t be fighting us for her,” the other old lady, holding a bucket filled with blood, muttered. I knew exactly what they were up to. They had decided to bathe Gen in the blood of the last young girl who had died in our pack.

“Our pack is dying. There are no younger girls left. This girl will bear the son of the–” the other old lady hissed at me, angry that I was obstructing their ritual.

I should have known my father would never let go of Gen once he got her blood. He had an obsession with royal women, and there would be no better royal than Gen.

Of course, he wanted her for himself and then planned to kill her to inflict the same pain on her father that he had endured. “That’s enough,” I pushed the lady, causing her to drop the blood on Gen, which made me hiss in anger.

“We will go tell Alpha I-Oh that you’re not allowing us to clean her,” the old ladies had clearly lost their minds. They were once my father’s concubines, and they didn’t care that they were cheating on their mates and returning home to their kids after spending nights with my father. They could do what they wanted, but I would never allow them to do that to my Gen.

So, I lifted her into my arms and decided to leave. Before they could even inform my father, I had fled the scene with her.

There was no way Gen would be part of any baby-making ritual. Just the thought of it filled me with anger and a desire to harm my father.

I took her away, but my father started blowing up my phone nonstop.

“Hmm?” I answered, my voice strained with anger. “I can’t believe you were doing that to her,” I hissed at him, making it clear that I would never accept him treating her that way.

“The old ladies must have said something wrong. I wasn’t preparing her for myself,” my dad mumbled, attempting to downplay the situation with more lies. There was no way I had misunderstood. “I know exactly what was happening there. You’ve done it many times before and always gotten away with it,” I muttered, tears welling up in my eyes. I recalled that I had remained silent only because of my sister.

My dad would tell me that without him, nobody would take care of her. It wasn’t entirely untrue, though. I knew that the moment my father was absent, everyone would turn their back on my sister and potentially harm her.

“You can lie to others, but not to me. How dare you think Gen would be your next victim? She’s your son’s wife, for heaven’s sake,” I yelled as I continued to drive. I felt responsible for Gen being in this condition.

I had made a mistake when I drugged her, but I was scared that if I told her about the wild one at our home, she would inform her father. Even if not for malicious reasons, she might innocently reveal my secret to someone.

“Okay, I got your message. Now bring her home because your sister needs it,” my dad uttered. However, I didn’t know how else to ask for her blood at this point. I was shaking as I turned my head to look at her and noticed her state.

It looked dire.

The blood on Gen belonged to a girl who had died in our pack, the last girl my father had brought in before claiming her death as accidental. There were pictures of her everywhere, and her parents were searching for her.

I couldn’t say anything anymore. I had been a coward for not speaking up because I wanted to see Kellice well, just once. My plan had been to take care of my father after Kellice was fine. “You promised,” I began to cry as I realized I was just as much at fault as him. My greed to save my sister’s life had left me with no option but to flee from him.

“You’re letting your emotions control you again. Don’t you remember what I taught you? Do you not recall what I told you about alphas who cry?” he hissed on the other end of the line, but I was done listening to him.

Gen had told me it was okay to let my emotions out. It had felt so good when I cried in her arms the other day. And now, here I was, having wronged her.

How could I even begin to explain to her what had happened to her? Could I come up with any excuse that would make sense? She would never forgive me for my father’s crimes.

She might even hate me.

I ended the call with my father and made the decision to drive around until she woke up. My plan was to take her to a motel where she could fix her appearance, and then we could return home together.

‘And do you really think she won’t question her condition? She looks like she’s been through some terrible things. What were we even thinking?’ Cas began to panic, and I couldn’t blame him. I was terrified too.

‘I don’t want to lose her,’ I confessed. ‘You should have thought about that before bringing her to our pack. The moment she learns the truth, she’ll despise us. She’ll push us out of her life and accept the others,’ Cas delivered the harshest truth, making me face the heartbreaking reality that I might never be with her again.

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