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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 127

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 127 Fat Shaming! (Caspian Diego)

Years Ago:

“I overheard Dad say something,” I whispered as I plucked a flower from the garden. I handed it to Kellice, who smiled and gently placed her h*and on her belly.

I had a hunch that she’d been suffering from a stomach issue for a few days. I had witnessed her vomiting and clutching her belly a few times.

“What was it?” she asked, smiling while savoring the weather. I didn’t want to be the one to say something that would spoil her mood but this conversation had been stuck in my mind, so i needed to get it out.

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“I believe it was about two months ago,” I mused, stroking my chin as I recalled the incident. I hadn’t inquired right away because, after that, she had been occupied elsewhere. In fact, I hadn’t seen her for two weeks until Dad brought her back home, forcefully dragging her through the hallway. I assumed she might have made a mistake at work.

It wasn’t the first time Dad had disciplined one of us, but for Kell ice, it wasn’t a common occurrence. However, when Dad brought her back, he confined her to her room for a week.

I was bewildered and tried my best to communicate with her, but she didn’t respond to me until she was out of that room. Afterward, she started vomiting severely.

Most of the time, I wasn’t permitted near her when Dad was at home.

“Dad mentioned that your sister had passed away, so now you should take on the responsibility,” I said casually, gazing at her as she appeared utterly surprised. “What?” she gulped, “when did you hear him say that? I mean, you must have misheard,” she smiled awkwardly, turning her face away.

“No, I heard it correctly. Is it true then? Could we have had a sister that we lost?” I inquired, and she shook her head.

“No, we didn’t. At least you didn’t,” she whispered, leaving me even more confused. But before I could question her further, she took a deep breath and gestured for me to walk away because my dad was approaching.

I watched her go as I was sent back to my room. Once again, I felt anxious and curious. Was my sister suffering from abuse, just like me? I knew my father would hit us, but her health was deteriorating rapidly. It worried me. “Why aren’t you eating?” my father yelled at me as we sat at the dinner table. I quickly grabbed my spoon and took a bite from the steak I had been waiting to cool down. It burned the inside of my m*outh, but I kept silent.

“And Kellice,” Dad then turned his attention to her, “I heard from some of my people that you’ve been spending a lot of time around the border lately. Don’t tell me you’re associating with that filthy rogue again?” he hissed, forcefully placing his spoon on the table, creating a loud noise.

I was shocked to hear them talking about Rogues, but the topic had come up frequently lately.

“I think you shouldn’t pay too much attention to what others say,” Kellice replied bitterly. Lately, I had noticed that she had gained a lot of courage to stand up to our dad.

And I truly believed she was right. Dad had never considered our feelings, so why should we continue obeying him? “And what’s going on with your health?” Dad asked, and I felt a bit relieved that he cared about someone. But before I could fully appreciate it, he added something that turned my stomach.

“Why are you gaining so much weight? Are you not exercising, or is this your way of punishing me by becoming unattractive?” His words must have hurt her deeply. She clenched her fist around her fork but kept her head down. “She looks beautiful to me,” I commented to let her know that Dad was speaking nonsense.

“Did anyone ask you?” Dad then turned to me, silencing me once again.

“And you! Work out and eat less. I don’t want your b*reasts sagging and that big belly of yours hanging around in my sight,” Dad sneered. The fact that he said these things to her made me want to pour the hot soup on his face. How could he say such things so casually?

“I’ll take better care of myself,” Kell ice said, even though she should have told him to go away. After we finished eating, Kellice vomited, and I couldn’t help but wonder when Dad would take her to the hospital.

His words must have deeply wounded her. She clenched her fist around the fork but kept her head down.

“Do you want me to ask Dad to take you to the hospital?” I asked as I held her hair back to ensure that it wouldn’t get in the way while she was throwing up.

“No!” Her immediate response shook me. “Don’t ever tell him that I’ve been throwing up. He’ll never understand.” She placed her h*and on her lower abdomen and whispered, “Are you going to be okay, though?” I asked, as I couldn’t stop worrying about her.

“After a few months, I’ll be completely fine, and we’ll even have a little guest,” she smiled to herself, but her eyes revealed emptiness.

“Is someone coming to stay with us?” I asked with excitement, but my smile faded when I remembered something. “Will Dad allow someone to stay over?” I pouted.

“That’s the problem. If he objects, we’ll leave with our guest and never return to this pack,” her determination and plans left me astonished. I never expected her to make such significant plans.

“But where would we go to stay?” I inquired.

“Don’t worry about that. Well find a safe place to stay,” her smile suggested that she had such a place in mind, so I didn’t press her with more questions.

However, things didn’t unfold as planned. One day, several months later, she disappeared suddenly, only to return with a wild wolf bite mark after my father had brought her back.

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