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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 131

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 131 Asking His Crush For Help (Genevieve Swan)

I had been absent for quite a while. The blood on the back of my n*eck had dried and formed clumps in my hair.

A few minutes ago, I awoke in a dimly lit room. The scent in the room felt strangely familiar, as if I had been here before. Yet, I couldn’t discern if I truly recognized this place. The darkness obscured any details, and so far, no one had come to check on me.

My last memory was entering the house with Henbane, and Alpha I-Oh following me, unexpectedly striking me on the head. I couldn’t fathom his reason. The fact that I was aiding his son, and his actions might have hindered our progress, was the most bewildering part.

Now, I found myself seated on the cold floor, tightly bound with ropes, pondering when the door would swing open and someone would step inside to explain the situation and why I was here.

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The door swung open, allowing a sliver of light to stream in. I squinted as my eyes adjusted, revealing a young girl in a plain gray dress, carrying a tray. With a flick of a switch, the room was bathed in light, momentarily blinding me.

“I figured you’d be awake by now,” the brunette girl with beautiful, long brown eyes said in a soothing tone.

“Why am I here? And where… is Caspian?” I asked, my words coming out in a nervous rush, my concern for his well-being still paramount in my mind. The last time I saw him, he was in a critical condition. Had his father already administered the cure? It seemed likely. He had specifically asked me to obtain henbane. But why bring me here?

With no one offering answers to my questions, I began to formulate my own theories. Perhaps Caspian’s father was afraid I would inform my father or my friends, putting Caspian’s life at risk, so he had brought me here. I was confident that once Caspian was healed, he would release me.

“He’s probably out searching for you,” she whispered with a t*ouch of sadness in her voice.

“I’m Denise, the pack’s only omega,” she said, her smile tinged with a hint of self- pity. I could only begin to imagine the challenges she faced as an omega. While I was an alpha’s daughter and my life was far from easy due to my lack of a wolf, I knew her experience must be even tougher. Sadly, those with weak wolves often faced rejection from others.

“Denise! Why am I here? And what do you mean Caspian will be looking for me?” I decided to seize the opportunity and ask her as many questions as I could. She was approachable, and I hoped she had some answers.

As she carefully placed a bowl of soup on the floor, she sat down beside me, her eyes scanning me with intense curiosity. “He cares about you, that’s why,” she commented, still not providing a complete answer. Did that mean Caspian had been cured? But if so, why had his father healed him and left him behind while bringing me here?

“But why was I brought here?” I asked, a growing sense of unease knotting in my stomach.

“Oh, I’m not sure if I should say anything, but I don’t think his father approves of you for him,” Denise replied, her voice laden with a sense of gloom and guilt.

My anxiety mounted with her cryptic responses. Did he bring me here to sever the mate bond and free his son from me? A whirlwind of questions flooded my mind, and I felt foolish for placing trust in someone Caspian hadn’t wanted to introduce me to.

“No, don’t get me wrong. It’s not like he hates you. I mean, just look at you!” Denise let out a deep sigh and hugged her knees, her eyes taking on a wistful quality. “You’re so beautiful. How could anyone not like you?” She tilted her head and mumbled softly, her l*ips trembling. “Do you love him?” she asked, deliberately avoiding my question. Her fragile frame and emaciated appearance struck me. Her pallid skin seemed far from healthy, marked by dark circles and roughness that hinted at poor nourishment and excessive labor.

“Who?” I inquired, even though I knew exactly whom she meant.

“Caspian! Do you love him?” Denise’s question caught me off guard. I had never really considered it in those terms until the fear of losing him began to consume me. My emotions and the way I felt didn’t seem like a simple reaction to the mate bond.

“Did he ever confide in you about his feelings?” Denise continued, tears glistening in her eyes.

“I know he has feelings for someone,” I replied, watching as realization dawned on her.

“Hmm! Did he ever mention me to you?” As these questions came my way, I began to suspect that she might be the one Caspian had a crush on. “I mean, I never gave any indication that I liked him,” she whispered, causing my jaw to drop.

So, this was the mysterious crush. Denise was the girl he had feelings for, and he believed she would never reciprocate.

But the nagging question remained: Why was I here?

“Listen, what did you mean by Alpha I-Oh doesn’t like me for his son?” I steered the conversation back to its original track, hoping to uncover his intentions regarding me. I didn’t want to meet an unfortunate fate while I was simply trying to help cure his son.

“Oh! About that–” Denise interrupted herself with a forehead slap, seemingly frustrated with her own distractions. Then, she uttered the most chilling words imaginable, “He doesn’t like you for his son. Because he likes you for himself.”

I was left in a state of shock and disbelief, my voice caught in my throat as I watched her casually shrug.

“What do you m-mean?” I stammered, a sense of dread gnawing at me.

“You see, he’s had his way with everyone in the pack, even the girl he used to call his daughter,” she muttered, her words sending a shiver down my spine. “It’s true. I’m the only one left because before me, he found you. And he loves the scent of royalty and how graceful those royal she-wolves are.”

Fear and confusion swirled within me as the truth of the situation sank in. I was trapped in a perilous predicament, and Alpha I-Oh’s intentions were far from benevolent.

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