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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 132

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 132 I Wonder If Caspian Survived. (Genevieve Swan)

“Wait a minute, what do you mean by that?” I asked in surprise, and a gulp got stuck in my throat. My m*outh felt dry. It was like she had dropped a bomb on me. Every gesture and interaction with him from our first meeting started replaying in my mind, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I had missed some red flags.

“Oh! He had feelings for you,” she avoided meeting my eyes. I believed she knew how wrong it was.

“No! I’m his son’s fated mate,” I blurted out, panicking and shaking, struggling to free myself from the ropes.

“I know. But when has he ever cared about what’s right or wrong? He’s always been this way-abusive and a damn bastard,” she suddenly stopped talking, looking around in fear. I could sense her heart racing and her breathing speeding up at the thought of someone overhearing her.

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“I mean, he’s our alpha,” she replied, forcing a broken smile.

“No! I can’t do this. He can’t do this to me,” I began to mumble in a shaky voice. “Listen, you’ve got to help me,” I pleaded with her, realizing that there was no way for me to escape from these restraints. “I don’t know. He’ll harm my grandmother if I do anything,” she bit the inside of her cheek and fiddled with her f*ingers, “just like he did to my parents when they disagreed with him taking my sister.”

I couldn’t believe the trauma these people had endured because of that awful man. Now, I was about to face his anger too. He was a real maniac. But what had he done to his own son? Did he even care for him?

“What happened to Caspian’s sister?” I asked, and she gulped.

“She wasn’t really his sister, but Caspian would never find out. She was actually his aunt, who chose to stay in the pack to look after him, but…” She paused, knowing I understood the unsavory truth. Whatever she was revealing about this man was truly disturbing.

“Poor Caspian, he missed out on so much,” I sympathized.

“Did he mention anything about Caspian?” I asked, my concern for his well-being growing.

“No, he just said Caspian won’t know you’re here because he’ll make sure to cover his tracks,” she remembered. “I want to help you, but my grandmother is my only family now. I have no one else,” she explained her situation instantly. “If you assist me, I’ll find a way to rescue you and the others from this pack,” I offered, wanting to provide her some comfort. However, she shook her head and declined.

“There’s no way you could ever help us,” she said, her tone growing somber as she contemplated something.

“Why is that?” I asked. “If I manage to get out of here, I’ll let Caspian know what’s happening and together we can…”

My words were cut short as she shook her head even more vigorously this time. “Caspian already knows,” she said, lifting her eyes and delivering the biggest shock of my life. Caspian knew, and he hadn’t taken any action?

“Is Caspian involved too?” I started to question everything, but she answered with a head shake, indicating that he wasn’t.

“No, he’s one of his victims. Alpha I-Oh has something hanging over his head too. Caspian won’t be able to escape his clutches until that leverage is gone,” she explained, her gaze still lowered. I could see her nervous twitches and the way she bit her bottom l*ip, clearly aware she was sharing sensitive information that could lead to punishment from Alpha I- OH if discovered.

“Oh, Goddess,” I sighed. “Please help me,” I begged once more. I knew it wasn’t fair to put her own loved ones in jeopardy for my sake, but if they continued to let Alpha I-Oh do as he pleased, he would never stop. I couldn’t help but wonder how many lives he had already ruined.

“I can’t,” she whispered in a guilty tone. “Okay, can you contact my mates for me?” I inquired. As soon as I asked, she raised her head and seemed to drift into deep thought before she gently nodded. “I can do that. And he’ll never find out it was me who called them, right?” she asked, a worried expression on her face. “Yes,” I confirmed. She got up from her spot and hurried to grab a notebook to jot down Bellamy’s number. After getting the number, she rushed out of the room to get in contact with him.

With her gone to get help for me, I felt a bit more at ease, but I wasn’t overly confident that they would arrive in time to prevent any harm. And just as I thought of the devil…

The door flew open, and in walked Alpha I-Oh, wearing a wide smirk on his l*ips.

The sight of him disgusted me, and I turned my face to the other side, muttering under my breath, “jerk.”

“What was that?” he tilted his head, insisting that I say it aloud.

“I hope you’re not being a brat,” he chuckled, using that title for me. “Did you give Caspian the cure?” I asked, and he let out a deep sigh, shaking his head in disapproval.

“You should know I don’t like my captives mentioning another man’s name,” he hissed, oblivious to how ridiculous he sounded with his demand.

“I am not your captive, and that other man is my mate. Tell me, what have you done to him?” I raised my voice, and it seemed like he didn’t appreciate it. He swiftly turned around, delivering a h*ard slap that nearly knocked me to the ground. I could barely remain seated after his h*and landed on my cheek.

“And a worthless person like you thinks they can demand answers from me?” he sneered, leaning over and gripping my face in his h*and, his nails digging into my skin.

“Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you’re only alive because of your looks?” he grinned, then blew air on my face, making me recoil in disgust before him. “As for your question, henbane alone is not enough of a cure. I’ll require something else from you,” he adjusted his jacket and produced a knife.

“I’ll need your blood, plenty of it, darling,” with those chilling words, he cut my palm and collected my blood in a container. “That should be enough for one dosage,” he whispered, a sinister smile crossing his face. “Just one more dose, and then…” He trailed off with a self-satisfied grin.

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