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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 133

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 133 The Wicked Old Grandma (Genevieve Swan)

He left me in the room after drawing my blood, and I didn’t protest or resist. I understood that the blood was for Caspian, so I allowed him to take it. Now, I wondered about his next move concerning me. My only option was to trust Denise. If she could get me help, my friends would be here soon, and they’d make this man pay in the worst way imaginable.

As the clock kept ticking and morning approached, my anxiety intensified. It seemed like too much time had passed if Denise had already informed my friends. Or perhaps, they didn’t want to come. Could that even be possible?

I held my breath, sitting up straight, my eyes fixed on the door. Gradually, I heard footsteps drawing near, and I tensed, unsure of what I might face next. When the door swung open, my hopes crumbled.

Alpha I-Oh pushed Denise to the floor and stepped on her h*and, causing her to cry out in pain. She was in terrible shape, with a black eye and a significant portion of her hair missing.

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“Let her go!” I shouted, trying to crawl closer, but the restraints held me back. “You thought you could ask my slave for help and I wouldn’t find out?” he bellowed angrily, applying more pressure to the back of her h*and, making her cry softly. She was so frightened that she couldn’t even utter a sound from her l*ips. “She didn’t do anything, you monster. Let her go!” I yelled again, further infuriating him.

“Oh, she’s not getting away this time. I’ll take her before you,” he snarled, grabbing her by the hair and hauling her up, yanking at her locks and spitting on her face. “You should’ve made a smarter choice. Instead, you let a princess cloud your judgment. Weren’t you living in peace? Look at the trouble you’ve caused for your grandmother now.” He knew exactly how to torment someone. As if physical torture wasn’t enough, he made sure she understood that he was going to make her grandmother suffer because of her.

“No, please don’t do that. I’ll never disobey you again,” she began to plead, but it only prompted him to let out a sinister chuckle.

“Your time is up. You made a mistake, and now you’ll face the consequences,” he hissed, shoving her aside and binding her hands behind her back and securing her foot to the bed’s frame.

“I’ll let you two wallow in despair together until I return to deal with you first,” he pointed a menacing f*inger at Denise before standing up and leaving the room.

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have put you through all of this,” I murmured, attempting to comfort her. She had her face buried in her hands, sobbing softly. “You didn’t do anything wrong. We turned him into a monster by being afraid of him,” she whispered softly but didn’t uncover her face from her hands.

“How did you get caught?” I asked, starting to wonder if she had managed to make the call or if she was apprehended before that.

“I was… I was just about to make the call when my own grandmother caught me,” her voice carried the weight of betrayal. Slowly, she uncovered her face from her hands and managed a broken smile.

“Have you ever been so oblivious that you didn’t realize the people around you were as cruel as the pack’s dictator Alpha?” she mused, her gaze distant as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. I could only imagine the turmoil she was experiencing. She had spent her whole life thinking she was complying with Alpha I-Oh’s demands to protect her grandmother, only for her own grandmother to betray her.

“I had no idea she was as terrible as him. She used to prepare girls for him, so when she found out I was trying to help you escape, she lost it. She screamed at me and even hit me. And then, despite knowing what Alpha I-Oh would do to me, she called him on me. I don’t know why, but in that moment, she looked so wicked,” the harsh reality was sinking in for poor Denise. She was beginning to realize that everyone in this pack had lost their sanity.

“Hey, look at me,” I tapped my bound hands on the floor, wincing at the pain from being tied up for hours. “I know we’ll figure something out. Just remember, I’m not leaving you behind,” I reassured her with a subtle nod of my head.

“You promise?” she asked, and as I nodded, she managed a weak smile. However, our moment was short-lived as the door swung open once more, revealing her grandmother. I knew it was her because the moment she entered, Denise began to wail.

“Don’t cry. It’s not a bad thing. You should consider yourself lucky to be chosen by him. I’ve always wanted an alpha for you. If you can make him feel at home, he’ll probably keep you with him forever,” her grandmother wasted no time in trying to manipulate her.

“I don’t want him. He’s so old and… disgusting,” Denise exclaimed, distancing herself from her grandmother. Her words about Alpha I-Oh clearly angered her grandma.

“Don’t speak ill of him like that. I’m certain this girl is influencing you with her words. She’s already ensnared Caspian. Now, she’s trying to entrap you with her charms. Everything was fine until she arrived. Just keep your focus on the goal. You have to make Alpha I-Oh happy,” the elderly woman showed no concern for her granddaughter’s tears and pleas for freedom.

She spoke her mind and then rose to depart. It was at this moment that I realized I could no longer remain silent. “Denise!” I called her name, taking a deep breath to steady my racing heart. Panic was not the solution. She appeared distant, as though she had lost all hope of us surviving this ordeal.

“I’m going to take action to save us,” I stated, slowly reaching up to t*ouch my pendant.

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