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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 134

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 134 The Crying Child In Me (Genevieve Swan)

I was prepared to do it out of necessity. I knew my wolf wouldn’t be of much help, but at the very least, it might assist me in breaking these ropes. The fact that Alpha I-Oh had tied me up in plain ropes made me wonder how much he knew about me.

Evidently, he knew enough not to care about the type of restraints he used. So, perhaps he knew I didn’t have an active wolf.

“What are you doing?” Denise inquired as she observed me gently caressing my pendant and gazing into space.

“I’m going to try and break free from these restraints,” I said, swallowing h*ard and taking a deep breath. My hands were bound together in front of my body, with my feet tied to a large closet on the side. After taking several deep breaths, I delicately grasped the pendant and pulled it off. As the cold chain left my skin, shivers raced down my spine. I had never taken it off for an extended period before, and whenever I did, I never immediately summoned my wolf. But today, I needed help.

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Closing my eyes, I called for my wolf while simultaneously trying to pry my hands apart to break free. At that moment, I began to hear sounds around me.

“Mommy!” I heard a distant cry from a young child. Her footsteps were so distinct that I couldn’t focus on anything else. It felt as if she were running right beside me.

“Step back,” a voice urged.

Then I heard someone grunting at her, shouting, and suddenly, I felt a rough grip around my arm. It hurt, but in reality, no one was holding me down.

“Please, I want to see mommy one last time,” the child pleaded, causing me pain. There was something oddly familiar about her cries.

“No! You’re never going to see her again,” the other person, clearly not a child, asserted with a strong and commanding voice, hissing in the child’s ear.

“Hey! Princess,” I was abruptly brought back to reality by Denise. I opened my eyes and realized I had been crying this whole time.

“Your hands,” she gestured towards my hands, and I noticed I had already broken the restraints. Not wanting to lose focus, I quickly put the pendant back on. At least I was free now.

I rushed over to Denise, but unfortunately, she was in silver chains. The good thing was that I couldn’t be burned by t*ouching the chains, but the downside was that I couldn’t open them either.

“Do you have a bobby pin?” I asked her, searching through her hair.

“No!” she shook her head, looking sadly disappointed. It was clear that Alpha I-Oh hadn’t left any chance for her, even removing her earrings when he brought her here.

“Okay, listen, you stay here. I’ll go out, find help, and come back for you,” I whispered to her. Glancing briefly outside the curtain, I could tell that night had fallen once more. However, in the darkness, I couldn’t see much. There were, however, some noises that were starting to catch my attention.

“Don’t leave me here. What if he comes back, sees you’re gone, and gets angry at me?” she begged with quivering l*ips. “Hey, I won’t let anything happen to you,” I promised, but deep down, I was also fearful of that possibility. What if he did return and found me gone? She would be at the mercy of the merciless Alpha. “Tell me, is there any room where I can find weapons?” I crouched down in front of her, keeping an ear out for footsteps from outside, making sure no one was approaching the room. If I wanted to survive, this was my only chance. I knew that next time, he wouldn’t be generous enough to tie me up.

“Yes, the room in front of this one has some weapons,” she stammered, her fear evident as she gulped.

“Are there any guards in this hallway right now?” I continued to ask. I had a plan in mind, but to execute it, I needed to get my hands on those weapons.

“No, we don’t have many people in the pack. So whatever we have, they’ll be guarding the mansion, not individual rooms,” Denise confirmed, providing crucial insight into the security.

Now that I knew there would be no one outside, I straightened my back and reached for the door. Very stealthily and soundlessly, I attempted to open the door but was met with disappointment when I realized it was locked.

“It’s locked,” I hissed and gently slapped my forehead.

“There’s a window behind that large frame. It opens into the hallway,” Denise whispered, her knowledge proving to be a valuable asset. With her guidance, I managed to slide open the frame and found a sizable window. I carefully crept through it and rolled onto the spacious hallway. My heart was pounding heavily in my chest.

What drew my attention even more was the fact that the door to the weapons room was slightly ajar. Panic began to creep in as doubts clouded my resolve. Why would they leave the door open like that?

Unless they needed to retrieve the weapons in an emergency?

From the voices outside, it was clear that something terrible was happening around the mansion. Were wild wolves attacking the place?

If wild wolves were indeed attacking, I needed to move quickly. I dashed into the weapon room and grabbed two guns loaded with silver bullets. Returning to the room, I handed one to Denise. “If he comes back and tries to harm you, just shoot him,” I instructed her, watching her eyes widen in shock.

“And kill our alpha?” she gulped. “We’re saving ourselves,” I reiterated, hoping she would grasp the urgency of our situation.

“But he’s our alpha,” she repeated, her loyalty to him still evident.

“He doesn’t deserve that title. Shoot him if you see him,” I warned her, emphasizing that she shouldn’t be swayed by others’ manipulation. This man didn’t deserve to live after what he had done to others.

Now, I was ready to leave the room again and find a way to get help or contact my mates.

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