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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 135

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 2)

Chapter 135 I Killed Her (Genevieve Swan)

Even though my heart was pounding like a drum, and my vision blurred with the tears of fear, I ventured out of the room once more. This time, I moved cautiously through the dark hallway as the power had gone out. It was evident that something serious was happening outside. So, not only did I need to contact my mates to secure our release from this captivity, but I also had to ensure that whatever danger lurked outside didn’t reach us.

As I continued down the hallway, a sense of panic started to creep in. I soon reached another set of rooms, but this time, something was different. Instead of silence, I could hear faint whimpers and cries. At first, I couldn’t discern if it was an animal or a human, but as I moved closer in the direction of the sounds, I realized that someone was inside that room.

“Maybe it’s another girl who needs help,” I whispered to myself, torn between the decision to return to Denise and ask her about this room or investigate on my own. The mansion was vast, and retracing my steps repeatedly would increase the risk of getting caught.

There was no way Alpha I-Oh wouldn’t try to visit and check on us in the next few minutes, given that it had been hours since anyone had come to see us. “Okay, I just need to open the door and see who’s in here,” I said to myself, slowly reaching for the door. The voices from inside were now more audible, as if someone was openly crying and praying. It confirmed that someone needed help.

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Without further hesitation, I opened the door, and the surprise that awaited me was beyond anything I had expected. There was an old woman lying on the cold floor, crying and whimpering. The room was pitch black, so I could only make out what lay directly in front of me.

The room had an overwhelmingly foul odor. I couldn’t fathom how anyone could live in such conditions. Even the atmosphere in the room felt toxic. “Hey, what happened to you?” I whispered to the old lady, gripping the gun tightly in my trembling hands and nervously swallowing.

“I was here–” she whimpered, her eyes fixed on the ceiling as tears streamed down her face.

No, she wasn’t Denise’s grandmother. This old lady was someone else, someone I had not seen before. As I cautiously approached her, I began to see more and more of her. It was then that I noticed the pool of blood she was lying in.

My breath quickened at the brutality of that man. Had he tortured her?

“Hey, what happened to you?” I quickly bent over her and gently t*ouched her arm to get her attention. I couldn’t explain it, but something about this room compelled me to investigate further.

“He was here with me,” she whispered, tears streaming down her face.

“Alpha I-Oh?” I inquired, and she finally turned her head toward me, nodding. “What did he do to you?” I asked, and she swallowed h*ard.

“He asked me to feed her… we were feeding her and planning to clean her room,” she mumbled, leaving me puzzled as I looked around in confusion. What was she talking about? Whose bedroom was this, and who was she supposed to feed?

“We usually free her chains from the wall and drag her outside so that one of us can clean the bedroom, but tonight–” She continued to mumble, and I became even more lost. Nothing was making any sense. Who was she referring to? “I–,” she stuttered, gurgling blood and struggling for breath. The sight was horrifying, and it was clear she was in immense pain. At first, I couldn’t make out much in the darkness, but as my eyes adjusted, I began to see more clearly.

Then, I began to realize that the blood on the floor was hers, and not only that, but the lower part of her body from her groin down was missing.

“F*uck!” I nearly screamed but quickly covered my m*outh with my hands. In the far corner of the dark room, I began to hear munching noises.

“And then we heard noises outside and realized we were under attack. He rushed to secure the pack and thought he had chained her back–but he didn’t,” every word that left her l*ips sent shivers down my spine. I started to crawl backward away from her, being cautious not to make too much noise.

Now, with my senses more attuned, I could tell we weren’t alone in this room. There was someone else–or should I say, something else–here.

I gulped and continued to crawl toward the door when I heard a howl that froze me in my tracks. It was unlike anything I had ever heard before.

In a swift and horrifying move, something seized the remainder of the old woman and dragged her into the darkness. “AHHH!” I couldn’t contain my fear any longer and began screaming at the top of my lungs. I crawled back, horrified, as whatever lurked in that room continued to devour the old woman.

It was my only chance to escape, so I scrambled to my feet and had almost reached the door when I heard it coming after me. Unfortunately, panic consumed me, causing me to trip and fall. I scrambled to get back on my feet, but then I was attacked.

The creature that jumped on me wasn’t an animal; it was a bizarre hybrid, part girl and part animal. It was as if she was still in the midst of a transformation, with human hair on her head and other body parts in a half-formed state. I was terrified as she howled and placed her paws on my shoulders, pinning me down.

With my trembling hands and fear- stricken existence, I slowly raised my gun and pressed the cold barrel against her chest.

As soon as the creature lowered its head to attack me, I pulled the trigger on her. The gunshot echoed in the dark room.

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