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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 138

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 138 Alpha Bellamy And The Poisonous Truth (Genevieve Swan)

One week later:

It turned out to be the saddest night for us. Caspian cried the entire night, and then he simply took his sister’s lifeless body and left. It turned out that Wolvin had captured Ron to question him about what he had done to me. Then the four of them somehow learned about the antidote, and they used my blood from the front porch to cure Caspian after Ron provided them with another bottle of henbane.

If he kept stealing from the royal lockers, he would likely get caught soon.

So he had to lay low. But at the same time, since Caspian had been bitten for only a few hours, a single dose helped him recover. Sadly, Kellice didn’t survive that night. And I can’t help but wonder if she would have lived had I not opened the door and let it happen? I had only wanted to save whoever was inside and ended up taking away what Caspian had been clinging to.

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My friends tried looking for him for three days, and they eventually found him near his mother’s grave. He had dug up a grave for his sister and stayed beside her all those days. I just couldn’t bring myself to talk to him.

However, the news reached my father very quickly. Even though he doesn’t usually show much concern for me, he was deeply worried about my safety.

So here we were, strolling through the hallway of the pack’s mansion as the maid led us to our new bedroom, which would actually be my old bedroom. Dad had suggested that we move in with them and had abandoned the idea of keeping us up in the mountains.

Now we would all share a room together in the mansion, where I would have to confront Monique every day. Not just Monique, but Kit too.

The maid held the door open for me, as if I didn’t know where my bedroom was. Giving her a nod and a smile, I thanked her and walked into the room with my mates.

Caspian placed his bags on the side and walked over to stand near the window, his hands on the sill and his muscles tensing as he gazed outside at the vast road.

“It looks good enough, it’s spacious,” Bellamy commented, wandering around and inspecting everything.

They had replaced the bed with a custom- made larger one. However, I knew Wolvin would once again claim the mattress. It was his preference.

He spent the entire night trying to locate Alpha I-Oh, and even after that, he never stopped searching for him. Butthat man vanished as if he never existed. However, I could sense the lingering fear that he might return for revenge still hanging over all of us.

“The closets are so big,” Emre sighed and dragged his bag near one of the closets to start unpacking.

“Are you feeling alright?” Wolvin looked at me and inquired. They all knew how difficult it was for me to be back here. “I will be fine,” I replied, my gaze fixed on Caspian. Since his return, he hadn’t spoken to me. He would rather stay in the living room or leave the house continuously until we were brought here. Now we were once again in the same bedroom, but something had changed within him.

“Denise is living here,” I mentioned, attempting to get Caspian’s attention. My other mates noticed it.

“Oh yeah! Your dad gave her some job as well,” Bellamy mentioned loudly, trying to make his voice reach Caspian’s ears.

“I can’t believe that poor girl shot her own grandmother,” Emre shook his head as he remembered that tragic night. Her grandmother had come for her from the other side of the hallway, attempting to drag her away, likely in pursuit of Alpha I- Oh.

When Denise resisted, her grandmother tried to render her unconscious so she could take her along, but Denise had a gun that I had given her for protection, and she didn’t hesitate to use it. Good for her.

“Yeah, she’ll be okay here,” I confirmed, knowing that Alpha I-Oh would be just as angry with her as he would be with me and Caspian.

“Where is the kitchen?” Wolvin changed the subject when he rubbed his belly and grunted.

“I will show you,” Emre tapped his shoulder and gestured for Bellamy to follow him as well. They knew I was waiting to be alone with Caspian.

As soon as they walked out of the room, I took slow and steady steps toward Caspian. I didn’t know if he would ever be able to forgive me, but I was genuinely remorseful for what I had done. “Hey,” I stood beside him and whispered in a trembling voice.

He remained silent and unmoving.

“I know you’re angry with me. I am too. I wish I hadn’t been in that situation. It was just that—I got too scared when she attacked me. I wish I hadn’t opened that door,” I started to stammer, my emotions welling up, and I braced myself for his response.

“Did you?” he asked, and I frowned. “Did you really feel scared of her?” he asked again, turning to face me. “I didn’t know she was your sister. You told me your sister died, and then I opened a door, thinking I was going to help someone, and then I saw her eating an elderly woman and then attacking me. I swear, I wouldn’t have killed her if I didn’t think–,” I began to sob, but I collected myself and took a deep breath. I had no right to make this about myself.

“I can’t believe I put you through all that,” he whispered, and I shook my head at the thought of him blaming himself.

“You didn’t do anything. It was my decision to contact your father and ask him for help–” I began to ramble when he interrupted me with a sentence that left me stunned.

“No! I was the one who first took you to him.”

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