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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 142

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 142 The Bullied Rogue. (Genevieve Swan)

“It’s wonderful to have you all here,” Monique said, motioning for everyone to take a seat.

“Mrs. Browning, did you offer them something to eat or drink?” she inquired, addressing my aunt, who was still upset about our disagreement over Wolvin. “I’ll take care of that right now,” Mrs. Browning hurried out of the living room as though she’d been eagerly waiting for an excuse to leave. It was clear that my arguments with her weren’t anything new. “I heard some commotion earlier; little did I know my daughter was causing trouble,” Monique chuckled, but I felt uneasy as she realized my behavior.

She had never liked it when I raised my voice. Honestly, I couldn’t even recall a time before my marriage when I responded to anyone with a harsh tone. Returning home felt like stepping back into my own little prison, my pink prison. “But anyway,” Monique cleared her throat and then fixed her gaze on Caspian, “I’m truly sorry for what your father did to you, especially concerning your sister. Did you have any inkling that he was hiding such a wild one?” As she locked eyes with Caspian, her expression revealed no ill intent.

However, I knew this was her way of appearing nonchalant while secretly plotting someone’s downfall. His response could either incriminate or exonerate him. Given his current state, I worried that he might confide in her rather than play it smart.

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“He didn’t,” I interjected, speaking on his behalf. He heard me and realized he couldn’t discuss what he knew in front of others.

“Oh!” Monique nodded in silence and then glanced down to adjust the diamond bracelet on her wrist.

“As for the full moon matter, how are the wild ones connected to Vieve’s virginity?” Bellamy suddenly posed a thoughtful question. Normally, I might have suspected he was just interested in when he could take my virginity, but this time, the question was so valid that even I couldn’t object.

I observed Monique’s f*ingers come to a halt in their fiddling with the bracelet, and she raised her head slowly.

“Hmm,” she took a deep breath and then glanced around. “I wonder where Mrs. Browning went.”

“Um, I asked you something,” Bellamy persisted without backing down. This time, he even leaned forward on the edge of his seat, displaying his eagerness for her response.

“You see, there are some things I can’t put into words. But those wild ones are directly linked to Genevieve. Her blood is special–” Monique began, and then it suddenly started to make sense.

I might have suspected she was lying until she mentioned the blood part. My blood did play a role in healing the wounded wild one.

“But you need to understand there are two types of wild ones,” Monique continued. “One is someone who was born as a wild one, and the other is someone who was turned. The turned ones will come after Genevieve because of the scent of her blood. Now, her losing her virginity will alter her scent even more profoundly. It will become potent, and every wild one will crave a taste of her blood. I can’t put it into simpler words, but she has a connection to the wild ones,” she concluded, and watched as Bellamy lowered his head.

“What about Henbane?” he asked, lowering his head as he posed the question, and it nearly robbed Monique of her voice.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. Mrs. Browning’s interruption really didn’t help us. Monique swiftly redirected her attention to her and greeted her with a smile as she offered us drinks.

As Mrs. Browning approached Wolvin, she waved her empty tray around. “Oops, I guess I didn’t count correctly,” she admitted, shrugging at Wolvin, who had his h*and up to take a drink.

“Here, have mine. I don’t even feel like drinking anything right now,” I quickly offered him my drink, and he accepted it with a bright smile on his l*ips.

“You still haven’t answered my question,” Bellamy persisted on the same topic, causing Emre and me to exchange glances.

We were noticing how persistently he was pushing Monique to the corner to achieve some answers.

“You do seem to ask quite a few questions,” Monique responded with an uneasy laugh, trying to make it sound like a joke.

“And you do seem to evade them quite skillfully,” Wolvin retorted, not even noticing the judgmental glares that Monique and Mrs. Browning shot his way for making that comment. He was too busy downing his drink.

“Poor guy, I don’t think he’s ever had a proper meal or drink. Look at him; every time he comes over for dinner, he eats like it’s his first time,” Mrs. Browning remarked, causing everyone to feel uncomfortable. Wolvin, on the other h*and, remained unfazed. He finished his drink and let out a loud belch, directing his gaze at Mrs. Browning.

“How–” she began but bit her t*ongue to prevent herself from saying anything more. Meanwhile, Bellamy fixed his gaze on Monique, who was attempting to avoid eye contact.

I let out a sigh as I realized I’d been sitting here much longer than I had wanted to. The tension in the room was palpable, and I started absentmindedly playing with the pendant around my n*eck. That’s when I noticed Monique was staring at me.

Her gaze was locked onto the pendant, and then she surreptitiously leaned in closer, gently t*ouching my hair. I felt goosebumps as she sifted through my locks right in front of everyone. The expressions on the faces of my mates were truly something to behold.

Their eyes indicated that they were witnessing something out of the ordinary. However, Monique appeared oblivious to the scrutiny we were under.

Suddenly, she withdrew and rose from her seat, her discomfort evident in her body language. “Genevieve, I’d like to have a private conversation with you,” she requested. As soon as she made this demand and beckoned me to follow her, my heart skipped a beat.

Heading to her bedroom with Monique had never resulted in a pleasant outcome. I began to feel instant anxiety, and when I didn’t respond, she leaned closer and gently took my h*and. “Let’s have a mother-daughter chat about feminine matters,” she whispered.

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