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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 143

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 143 My Mates Will Die (Genevieve Swan)

Despite the curious gazes from my companions, I chose to follow her. In a split second, I became equally intrigued by what was happening. I couldn’t avoid her forever, after all. Once inside her bedroom, she locked the door and began to pace around nervously.

“Is everything alright?” I inquired, reaching out to t*ouch her and searching for any clues in her scent. What had she sensed that was making her so uneasy? “I’m going to ask you some questions, and I need honest answers from you,” she said, finally stopping but fidgeting with her f*ingers as she faced me. “What’s happening? Have I done something wrong?” I asked, and she ran her h*and through her hair to tidy it. “That will depend on your answers,” she replied. “Have you taken off your pendant?”

The question sent shivers down my spine. She had never had to ask me that question in my entire life, at least not before the marriage.

The fact that she suddenly felt compelled to ask me that question made me wonder if she could somehow sense that I would be lying if I said I hadn’t removed it. “I–” I stammered, biting my l*ips and pressing them tightly together, “I did.”

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Hearing my response nearly knocked her off balance. I offered her support, but she waved her h*and to dismiss my offer. Taking a few steps backward, she sat down on the bed, covering her face with her hands.

“What have you done?” she mumbled into her palms, shaking, and leaving me wondering what was truly bothering her. “It was because–” I hesitated once more as I recollected why I had taken it off for the first time. It had been when my mates had tricked me, and afterward, I had almost felt like I could remove it for a few seconds without anything terrible happening.

“Because of what?” she shouted, and I felt my body trembling beyond my control.

“Because I accidentally injured myself, and then… I didn’t want to go to the hospital,” I started to babble, telling a bold lie but struggling to find the right words. “And?” Monique snapped, her patience wearing thin. “Your wolf healed you? That crazy thing can’t heal you.” She hissed and rushed towards me, grabbing my arms and shaking me.

“It actually did. I mean, it wasn’t a major injury, so…” I trailed off, my voice faltering as she glared into my soul.

After gripping my arms for a few seconds, she abruptly cradled my face in her hands and peered into my eyes. “What else?” she suddenly pressed. I could sense that she wasn’t entirely convinced by my story because she knew there was more to it than what I was saying.

“Nothing e–,” I started to lie, but she shook her head and cut me off immediately.

“Don’t lie to me,” she insisted forcefully. “Tell me what else you felt?” Her eyes bore into mine, sending shivers down my spine.

“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me,” she persisted, reminding me of how she had managed to keep me alive all this time because I had always been honest with her.

“I felt a mate bond,” I mumbled, but I fell silent at her reaction. Her eyes widened significantly, and her m*outh opened in a gasp of shock.

“Mate bond?” she whispered to herself, her gaze drifting to the ground. “Who did– who did you feel it with?” she stammered, demanding the whole truth.

“With my husbands,” I replied, observing her take a step back from me. The change in her facial color had me concerned. It seemed like she was experiencing a heart attack.

“All of them?” she inquired, taking deep and heavy breaths. Her chest rising and falling dramatically added to my anxiety. The way she was reacting was making me anxious as well.

“No, just with three of them,” I said, and I noticed how difficult it was for her to swallow.

“Which ones, for God’s sake, tell me everything. Don’t make me extract every detail,” she shouted in frustration, and I nodded fervently.

“With Caspian, Bellamy, and Emre,” I said, spelling out their names almost instantly. I was so afraid of her reaction that I wanted to get it all out at once.

She sat back down on the bed and placed her h*and on her heart. “What is going on? Why is this such a difficult piece of news to digest?” I rushed over and sat beside her, concerned that it might be a bad thing.

I had relied on her guidance so much, and after my blood had been confirmed as special, I couldn’t help but consider that maybe she had been right about my safety all along.

“It’s very bad news for your mates,” she exclaimed as she appeared to zone out, “it’s akin to receiving news of a death.”

My heart flipped in my chest as she stated that with teary eyes. There was no way she was acting. The fear on her face seemed entirely genuine.

“What… What do you mean by that? How is it bad news for my mates?” I asked, and she took a deep breath, attempting to control her emotions.

“You know you weren’t supposed to find fated mates, right? I mean, the ones destined for you. This is a reminder of how your fated mates are meant to bear your ill fate,” she spoke in riddles, leaving me bewildered. “You must reject them.”

Her request left me in a state of shock. For the first few seconds, I couldn’t even find the words to respond.

“But they are my fated mates. The Moon Goddess wouldn’t have brought them to me–” I began, smiling like a distraught person, but my feeble smile couldn’t conceal my tears.

I couldn’t believe she was asking me to do something like that. Throughout my life, I had longed for love, and the love we received from our fated mates was supposed to be unparalleled. And here she was, demanding that I reject my mates?

“Exactly. Your mates are meant to die on your behalf. So, it’s either you reject them or they all die,” she concluded after steadying her breath. Now it was my turn to feel anxious.

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