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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 144

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 144 They Don’t Want Rejection (Genevieve Swan)

“I’m sorry, say it again?” Emre shook his head to ensure he heard me correctly. I had asked them to step outside into the woods, where Wolvin had chosen to chop wood for our discussion.

I was certain that Wolvin was missing the wilderness. He had mentioned many times that this place wasn’t where he wanted to stay. So, I didn’t object when he expressed his desire to go chop some wood.

However, at the same time, I had brought up the subject of Monique and her ability to see what we couldn’t see, especially the most messed-up scenarios in my life. “Monique said that if I didn’t reject you all, you guys would die,” I repeated my statement, observing my mates gathering around Wolvin and gazing at me.

“How?” Caspian asked, folding his arms across his chest.

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“I don’t know. She didn’t tell me,” I replied, feeling judged. The way they were looking at me, I felt like they were criticizing me in a million different ways, and I didn’t like it.

“Listen, Monique may be unreliable, but–” As I tried to explain why I was taking her words so seriously, Bellamy hissed at me and silenced me.

“That’s it. The statement should stop here, and that should be the reason why you shouldn’t trust her words,” he interjected. “Have you not seen how she avoided my questions?”

I knew he was frustrated because of the earlier incident. She blatantly ignored his questions.

“I get it. But… she could tell I had taken off the pendant. So she knew what she was talking about,” I argued with them as they exchanged glances and then burst into laughter.

“There you go!”

“I can tell Wolvin is poor, does that mean I’m a snob too?” Caspian made a poor remark, instantly apologizing to Wolvin through his remorseful gaze.

“My point is, we were supposed to take care of you. And what happens when you’re taking care of someone potentially facing a kind of danger that can’t be handled even by the royal guards? Lives are at risk. The saviors are also at risk of dying. Do you think we didn’t know about the potential danger when we signed up for this?” Caspian corrected himself and explained, making me wonder how much they were offered to openly admit they were ready to sacrifice their lives for me. “There’s a difference between a possibility and something happening for sure. She confirmed your death,” I argued once more, growing irritated that they weren’t taking it seriously.

“Hmm, she’s good,” suddenly, Wolvin spoke up for the first time. Since he wasn’t one of my mates, he hadn’t been too involved in the conversation until now. His comment, however, made us all turn to him, waiting for further explanation.

“Monique! She’s good,” he repeated, earning harsh gazes from my mates. “I mean, look at it. See how she’s making you guys argue,” he chuckled before continuing, “So, she cares about Gem so much that all she does is sit and foresee her future. She talks about her safety and even suggested that the most powerful werewolves marry her to keep her safe. However, it’s funny that now she seems more concerned about the mates than Gem.”

I stood there in silence, along with the others, trying to process what he was suggesting.

“My point is, why would she care?” he continued to question. Although he raised some good points, he still managed to highlight something crucial. “She’s not asking me to divorce them. She just wants me to reject them so that they can continue taking care of me,” I explained what she had told me earlier, but the look on Wolvin’s face made it clear that he was still not satisfied. “Umm! And the danger would come-see that you guys are no longer mates and decide to spare their lives? Why not let them remain as your mates because that would make them want to protect you even when they don’t want to. The mate bond can work wonders, and the sheer feeling of protecting your mate is stronger than just marrying someone and taking care of them. Why would she even miss the one percent chance of keeping your safety in the best interests of your mates?” Wolvin’s words were becoming a bit confusing, and I was starting to feel puzzled.

Everything he said left me speechless. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a prophecy,” I uttered, no longer certain.

“Then what is the prophecy? There should be something to it. Why and how? All there are commands that make no sense,” Wolvin shrugged. “But then again, what do I know?” He pouted, giving his head a jerk before chopping the wood again.

Now my mates and I stood in our spots, confused, wondering what Monique was upto. Slowly, Emre and Caspian began helping Wolvin, while Bellamy wandered away to the side, picking up a phone call and looking downcast.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I reached him. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been feeling really down ever since you came to my pack.”

His demeanor had changed drastically after moving his things to the mansion. “It’s nothing,” he replied dryly, focusing on his phone.

“Are you sure?” I began to worry about him, but his harsh response stopped me in my tracks.

“Vieve, I’m sure. Can I please have some time alone?” He suddenly turned to face me and replied sharply.

“Hey, I was just concerned about you,” I gave him a weak smile and raised my hands to show that I meant no harm. “Ah, that’s funny,” his undertone comment didn’t escape my notice.

“What was that supposed to mean?” I smiled through clenched teeth and made him turn back to face me.

“It’s nothing, okay? I just need to go see Ariel; she needs me,” he shook his head while being extremely rude to me and abruptly left us behind, heading to meet up with his girlfriend.

The change in his attitude really hit me h*ard.

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