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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 145

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 145 I Want Her (Bellamy Holmes)

Many years Ago:

“Mom, may I leave this hall for a few minutes?” I tugged on my mother’s beautiful blue gown to get her attention while she was engrossed in a conversation with some royals. She halted the conversation to listen to me. “Are you okay?” The concern in her eyes instantly made me feel reassured. I gave her a reassuring smile and then made her lean down so she could hear me better. “I’m just getting bored here. Can I please go outside and get some fresh air?” I asked her, and she nodded with a generous smile on her l*ips.

“Sure, but don’t go too far and avoid the weird corners of the mansion,” she advised before letting me leave. I understood why she said that.

This wasn’t our pack or our mansion. We had been invited to Lord Bernard’s parties like this almost every week. His mansion was as grand as his pack, and what was even crazier was that his pack was much more secure than any other pack. Of course, he had extended some of that security to our pack as well, but I had heard other pack members talk about losses and terror they faced nearly every day.

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As I left the hall, I made my way to the third floor, where I knew someone would be standing on the balcony, gazing at the mountains.

I didn’t go outside for fresh air; in fact, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her beautiful face tonight. And I did. I hid behind a wall and couldn’t take my eyes off her.

She wore a white dress, her hair elegantly styled in a beautiful braid with a flower crown on her head.

“Vieve!” I whispered while still gazing at her. I stood there until she left, and I heard her maid calling for her. I hurried back to the hall and found my mother searching for me.

“Where were you?” she smiled, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and taking a stroll with me.

“I was just looking around,” I lied, feeling a bit shy inside. For a twelve-year-old, I had quite lofty dreams. I really wanted to befriend the princess, but it seemed almost impossible.

Her father was extremely strict about who got to speak to her and who didn’t, making it nearly impossible for us to meet.

“Did you go to see her again?” my mom asked, smiling as she tapped my shoulder.

“I did. How did you know?” I playfully frowned, feeling caught as she giggled. But before she could answer me, Lord Bernard came to bid us farewell. We stood near our car while he began to speak.

“Please tell your alpha husband that we’ve received this month’s supply. You guys are doing an incredible job,” he praised my parents for their h*ard work in taking care of the henbane field.

Henbane was indeed a rare herb, and there was a rumor that the land where it was cultivated was the site of a very magical incident that had occurred in the past. Fortunately, we had acquired that land.

“Well, thank you for your kind words,” my mom gave him a little bow before we got into the car, and she started driving. My mom never really liked having a driver or a warrior around; it tended to interfere with our conversations. I was a bit shy, so when there were others around, I wouldn’t speak much.

“So, how did she look today?” my mom teased as she kept her eyes on the road. “She looked sad, just like every day. I’ve never seen her smile so much,” I shrugged, wondering what could possibly be bothering a princess who had everything she ever wanted.

“Hmm! Well, she lost her mother, and maybe that’s why she feels lonely,” my mom replied, trying to help me understand that everyone’s feelings are different.

“Then her father shouldn’t always throw parties. Why doesn’t he spend time with her and help her cope with the loss of her mother?” I was upset that everyone around her seemed so busy in their own lives that they almost forgot she needed someone too.

“Hmm, let me tell you something,” my mom smiled to herself. “How about you practice, train yourself, do a lot of good, and then ask the Moon Goddess to make you her mate?” She had a peculiar way of looking at things.

“How would that help her?” I questioned. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be her mate, but it felt like a far-fetched dream. There was no way she could ever be my mate. I hadn’t even been able to befriend her, let alone be lucky enough to have her as my mate.

“Then you will take care of her. Help her with whatever she needs or wants. Maybe you will prove yourself worthy of her,” my mom suggested, and it filled me with a new sense of hope. I now had an idea of what I could do to be with her. “Do you thinkthe Moon Goddess will grant her to me?” I asked, and my mom nodded.

“As much as she would grant you to her. Remember, she is not a possession or an object. If you truly love someone, you treat them with respect and the way you want to be treated,” my mom finished with a smile, and I sat back with determination.

At least now I knew what I could do to improve my chances with her. She had no idea about my existence, but I had kept her in my thoughts ever since I first saw her. It started with wanting to befriend her, and then when I turned twelve and learned about the mate bond, I couldn’t help but wonder if I could have her as my mate.

“Mom! This is our field,” I suddenly pointed outside the window as I gazed at our beautiful field.

“This is your father and my dream. Remember, we’ve worked really h*ard on this herb. You will carry on with what we’ve been doing, promise me,” my mom whispered with a faint smile on her l*ips. “I promise,” I replied with determination…

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