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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 147

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 147 He Kicked My Mate Out. (Genevieve Swan)

We got up and, after getting ready, we decided to head downstairs to enjoy breakfast with my father, as he had asked us to. Caspian and the others went ahead before Bellamy and me. I stayed behind, waiting for Bellamy to come out of the bathroom so that I could ask him what was bothering him. I didn’t want him to sneak around and get caught. If he needed something, he could ask me. All he needed to do was to be honest with me.

“Hey, I thought you had left for breakfast,” as soon as he stepped out and saw me, he gave me a feeble smile. The smile was so weak and fake that I couldn’t even return the favor.

“Bellamy, can I ask you something?” I asked as I sat on the bed while he combed and styled his hair.

“Sure, what is it, Princess?” he joked, glancing over at me.

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“What’s going on with you?” I questioned, and he let out a little uncomfortable laugh. “Now, before you say you’re fine, I know something is wrong. You’re hiding something from me, and it’s worrying me.

I watched him slow down in combing his hair as he zoned out before shaking himself out of whatever thoughts had confused him and turned to me. “Why is it that you and your father want everyone to be honest with you, to share everything about themselves, even their deepest, darkest secrets, but you guys keep your own secrets locked away?” His tone was harsh, and his eyes displayed his irritation.

I was taken aback by his hostility for a moment, but since I was the one who wanted him to discuss his discomfort with me, I couldn’t object.

“You can ask me anything, I won’t hide it from you. We have created such a connection,” I began, trying to make him feel comfortable by letting him know that I wouldn’t hide anything from him, but he interrupted me.

“What’s the code to the basement’s storeroom?” he asked, and I suddenly fell silent.

“What happened? You said you wouldn’t hide anything from me,” he shrugged, pouting and shaking his head disapprovingly.

“That’s not what I meant. I mean, you can ask me anything about myself,” I said, still getting up from the bed to approach him and say it in the nicest way possible, but he let out a big snort and almost broke me.

“Why would I be interested in your life when I have my own issues?” he commented. Then, after closing his eyes and calming himself, he stretched his n*eck and decided to redeem himself with a little addition to his statement. “I am fine.”

“What do you want from the storeroom?” I asked. He stared at me in the same hostile way again.

“If you want something, let me know. I won’t say no to you,” I assured him. I was being honest with him. If there was anything he wanted to get or if he was facing some problems, he could rely on me. But not before he told me exactly what he wanted.

I might be naive at times, but there’s no way I’m going to h*and him everything when he isn’t even telling me the whole truth.

“Huh! It’s always about permission,” he chuckled under his breath before putting on a straight face again.

“Go ahead, attend the breakfast, Vieve. I don’t need anything from you or your father,” he almost hissed before turning away to hide his true emotions from me. I wasn’t sure how to react to him. The right thing to do in the moment was to walk away and let him be for now.

It was obvious that he was onto something, and whatever it was, it was making him emotional. But until he got comfortable and opened up to me, I wouldn’t push him. I went downstairs to join only two of my mates with my dad.

“Good morning, my precious daughter,” Dad greeted, patting an empty seat beside him. Monique sat on one side of him, and she had changed her entire persona since marrying my father. Across from him sat Mr. and Mrs. Browning, Kit, and my two mates.

However, Wolvin was nowhere in sight. “Wolvin already ate?” I asked, just as I had sat down and reached for a pancake. Mrs. Browning’s sarcastic scoff stopped me mid-reach.

“We don’t eat with rogues,” Mr. Browning took it upon himself to explain to me more clearly why Wolvin wasn’t here. “I thought he had already finished his food,” Caspian m*outhed at me, making sure I didn’t think they were sitting here and condoning the mistreatment of Wolvin.

But I knew he was lying. They simply didn’t care about Wolvin the way they cared about each other.

“Why not? He’s just like us,” I argued with Mr. Browning when my father gently placed his h*and on mine to get my attention.

“Your uncle is right. The rogues have been living in the woods alone for years. We don’t know what kind of diseases they may have contracted and what…” Dad fell silent when I tilted my head and raised my brow at him. I’m sure he didn’t expect me to react that way. He was used to me acquiescing to whatever he said.

“If he was so nasty and gross, why did you marry me to him?” I questioned my father’s intentions and concerns for me, but I still didn’t raise my voice.

“Wow! She’s arguing with your highness for a rogue now,” Mr. Browning, who always seemed equally invested in making me feel down, commented.

Monique knew about her daughter’s actions and would always step forward to defend her.

“Where is Wolvin?” I inquired, since my dad had been silently watching my face. “Hm, well,” as my dad straightened his back, I realized that I might have challenged him. “I kicked him out after I snatched the food out of his hands and made him eat outside on the ground.” I felt a sense of desperation upon hearing what had transpired here before my arrival.

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