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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 149

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 149 One Bad Decision (Bellamy Holmes)

Many years Ago:

“The field is a blessing to our pack,” my dad uttered while having dinner with us.

Our pack was quite wealthy, richer than many others, mainly because we would sell Lord Bernard Henbane.

“That’s what I’m saying,” mom replied.

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We used to dine alone, just the three of us. It made us feel like a family without anyone else listening in.

“Then why the heck is Monique asking for more supply?” Dad put his napkin aside after wiping his m*outh clean and complained. I’d heard about the witchy lady.

She was so demanding. Most of the time, my parents would be under a lot of stress because of her. But when she wouldn’t interfere, everything would proceed normally.

“She’s claiming she needs it for some spell she’s creating,” Mom sighed and shook her head.

“That’s ridiculous, Era!” Dad muttered through clenched teeth. “Why is she always creating spells, and what for? Isn’t magic the root cause of much evil?”

Dad was right.

Before Lord Bernard took over our Sanova, we never had any sorcerers in our world.

But now, they openly talked about magic, and she was the only one allowed to even practice it. It didn’t make sense, but she seemed powerful, so nobody dared to question her.

Sanova was much better when there was no magic, at least that’s what my parents claimed.

“Now what? She wants us to cut down the entire field for her?” Mom argued. “Chris, you better speak to Lord Bernard. This seer knows nothing better. And why the heck is she making such crucial decisions? You know this field is sacred, right? The instant the henbane is gone- those wild ones will attack us,” Mom almost choked on her wine when talking about those deadly creatures.

The scent of Henbane had been able to keep them away from our pack. But once the Henbane was gone, we might have to deal with a war, just like the rest of the packs.

“Mom! What about the other packs? How are they doing?” I couldn’t help but ask that question. Ever since the war started, nobody cared about the weak packs.

It broke my heart to see them in such despair. Every night, I would hear sirens and then people wailing when I was taking a walk with my father in the woods.

Those people were mourning their loved ones.

“I wish we could help them,” Dad looked ashamed of himself for not being able to do anything for the others.

“Why can’t that witch cast a protection spell? I heard she had cast a spell on her own pack,” I shrugged, sharing the information I had heard secretly while wandering around their mansion. “She’ll never help anyone. It seems like they’re happy the weak packs are getting cut down without them having to do anything,” Mom shook her head in disappointment.

“Lady Era, if everything is done here, may I take my leave?” the omega maid Ruth appeared before us with a tired look on her face.

“What happened to you, Ruth? Did you overwork yourself?” I asked, and I noticed my parents shared a glance and then smiled at me proudly.

“I did, little prince. It’s actually that Ariel has been very sick, so I wanted to go home early tonight,” she then turned to my mother and talked about her daughter.

“Hmm, Ruth! Why don’t you tell your husband to come meet me in the morning? He’s a beta, right? I remember he had previously applied to be the royal beta but lost by some points. The current royal beta is thinking of resigning. Why don’t you ask him to meet me, and maybe I can hire him as the Royal beta?” The news from Dad brought an instant smile to her face. She bowed down fully as tears of joy welled up in her eyes. I could only imagine how life must have been for everyone.

I didn’t like her daughter, Ariel. She was annoying and rude. She would always cross paths with me and talk about Princess Genevieve in a very disrespectful tone.

She would call her names and even mock her. Not only that, she would break my stuff too. That’s how she was. But I never complained because I was aware of the power dynamic, and I didn’t want her parents to feel ashamed for her actions. “Thank you, I will let him know,” she smiled uncontrollably before leaving the dining room.

“Bellamy, why don’t you spend time with Ariel? She’s a good girl,” Dad poured himself another glass of wine and got up from his seat, while my mom secretly exchanged a knowing glance with me.

Mom knew I didn’t want anybody else as my mate. But my dad had been showing interest in giving the royal beta title to Ariel’s father so that later we could choose each other as mates.

“I don’t want to,” I replied, taking a bite from the brownie.

“Son, it’s important to make alliances. Who knows, you might become good friends with her in the future,” Obviously, Dad wasn’t saying it explicitly, but he was hinting at the expectation of us forming mate bonds, and if not, we would just accept each other as chosen mates. “Chris! Would you quit it? Bellamy knows what he wants. Let’s respect that and not pressure him,” Mom thankfully intervened with just the right amount of anger and took my side.

“Okay, okay,” Dad let out a laugh and then checked his text messages. “Ah! Babe, Lord Bernard has asked us to join him for another party tomorrow. However, I cannot go. Bellamy has an archery class. Do you think you can go alone, or do you want me to make up an excuse?” Dad inquired from Mom, who was done eating her food and waiting for me to finish my dessert before leaving the table.

Mom gave it some thought and then responded. However, what we didn’t know was that her decision was going to change our lives forever.

“I think I will go. I am planning to speak to him about the henbane issue anyway. Hopefully, he will understand.”

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