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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 151

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 151 The Abandoned Long Drive Date (Genevieve Swan)

I began to focus on everything. But because Wolvin had left for a walk, I couldn’t really say how he knew about everyone’s secrets.

“Bellamy!” I walked into the room to find him standing next to his laptop and staring at the screen. The moment he saw me, he swiftly turned it off and gave me a weak smile.

“What were you doing?” I inquired with a frown on my face.

“Nothing,” he shook his head and quickly came in front of his laptop. “Okay, fine, I was watching porn,” he rolled his eyes as he joked.

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“With such a serious look?” I mumbled, giving him a suspicious look.

“Yeah, I was shocked that we can do it in that way as well,” he continued to joke before he turned serious and sighed. “I’m so sorry for giving you a h*ard time lately, Vieve,” he uttered.

“It’s alright. I just want you to know that I’m always here for you,” I said as I walked over to the bed to grab the w*et towel he had placed.

“Oops, sorry!” Instead of focusing on the same topic, he just decided to stay silent. “Well, if you really want to help me–” once again, his tone changed as he fixed his posture, “you know what you have to do.” I watched him for a moment before I let out a laugh, thinking he was still joking, but he was serious.

“Vieve! I really want access to either the basement or the lockers,” he finished demanding in a serious tone, and I knew we were up for another argument again. “Bellamy, I will help you and perform your wishes,” I said, but before I could finish, he started smiling widely and interrupted me.

“Thank you. I knew you would understand,” he hastily walked over and hugged me. Now I felt bad because I had something else to add to my statement. “But I would need you to tell me why you want that access,” as soon as I added that part, his grip around me loosened, and he pulled away from me.

“Why? You think I will do something outrageous?” he asked with a frown.

“You want henbane?” My question left him in shock, but he was quick enough to regain his senses and take a deep breath.

“The entire supply of henbane, Bellamy? Do you even know what that means?” I couldn’t keep my frustration in anymore. He wanted to have the whole supply of the herb that doesn’t even grow anymore. “Are you giving me the access or not?” The secrecy behind why he wanted the henbane and access to my father’s private property was driving me insane.

He was obviously not sharing the truth with me and still wanted me to be on his side.

“Does Ariel know what you are up to?” I knew what I was going for when I asked him that question. He looked frustrated, but a single h*ard glare from him answered my question.

“Then why don’t you tell me?” I found him not very honest with me. If he could share his mission with her, why not me?

“Do you not trust me enough?” his silence was making me ask him all sorts of questions, and sadly enough, he didn’t really seem bothered enough to come clean with me.

“Let’s not even go there. If trust was something we had, you wouldn’t be putting me on the spot. Instead, we would already be headed downstairs,” he grunted harshly and then nodded in agreement to something his mind came up with. “You know what?” He then walked closer until I could hear his breath audibly.

“If you’re not going to help me, I’ll find someone else who would be willing to do that for me,” his threat didn’t seem like just a threat.

I watched him take a deep breath and then walk past me, but he stopped when Caspian rushed into the room, looking depressed.

“Hey,” Caspian greeted him despite his state, but Bellamy didn’t stick around for greetings. He rushed out of the room in the next moment.

“Ah! I’m so glad I found you here, Gen,” Caspian approached me and held my hands. “I wanted to spend some time with you,” he whispered, pulling me into a hug. But my mind kept replaying Bellamy’s words. Or should I say that I was still thinking about what Bellamy’s threat meant. What did he mean by he would ask someone else for help? Was he still talking about Alpha Ron, or was there somebody else he had in mind? “Can you wait for a little? I just need to go and see what Bellamy is up to,” I insisted, asking Caspian to wait. The look on his face as he broke the hug hurt me. However, I just wanted a few minutes from him.

“Sure,” he stepped back, sliding his hands into his pants’ pockets.

“Hey, how about we go out for a long drive tonight? I’m really feeling down, and I wanted to spend some time with you,” Caspian requested, and a smile covered my l*ips. I understood that he was still depressed and dealing with a lot. “I wish I could spend all the time in the world with him, but I had another issue called Bellamy, who was going to either get himself in trouble or put me in danger if he didn’t stop acting like a fool,” I thought to myself.

“Hey?” Caspian waved his h*and in front of my face.

“Oh! Sorry, yeah, sure,” I gave him a nod, but I could tell that my constant zoning out was bothering him.

“I am so sorry, I will come back for you, okay?” I gently tapped my h*and on his cheek and sprinted out of the room in search of Bellamy.

I felt a pang of guilt as I read Caspian’s text messages, realizing that he had been trying to spend time with me, and I had missed his invitations. My concern for Bellamy had consumed my attention, and I had unintentionally neglected Caspian. Even when he had asked me for a walk and I had missed that opportunity as well.

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