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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 154

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 154 About To K*iss My Cousin.

“Wow,” I interjected before she could even k*iss him, clapping my hands. The two of them jumped apart, and Bellamy lowered his head with a disappointed grunt.

“We were just talking,” Kit stuttered, but the look on her face brought back memories of the smirks she had been giving me. She had been so confident about stealing my mates, and now she was looking me in the eye, as if confirming her victory.

“I’ll go to bed now,” she shrugged, no longer crying or acting miserable. “Thank you for making me feel better.”

She paused only briefly to exchange a suspicious look with Bellamy and thank him. I couldn’t help but keep staring at them.

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Kit walked past him and soon disappeared, leaving me unable to say anything.

“What was that?” I asked Bellamy, but instead of trying to explain or assure me not to take it the wrong way, he simply marched past me.

I had to physically grab his arm to make him answer me. “Do you want to talk here in the hallway?” he frowned, freeing his arm and quickly heading upstairs, with me following him like a person possessed.

“F*ucking stop!” I yelled as we reached the third floor, where our bedroom was. The entire third floor was ours, so I didn’t have to lower my voice as he had wanted.

“What the hell was going on down there?” I shouted at him, watching as he turned to look at me.

“Nothing. I really didn’t do anything,” he said nonchalantly.

“You call that nothing? You were comforting her–” I hadn’t even finished my sentence when he quickly walked up to me, getting in my face.

“Exactly! Listen to yourself. I was only comforting her,” he yelled back at me. “And you don’t see anything wrong with it?” I muttered, tears welling up in my eyes.

“Huh? What’s wrong with helping someone feel better?” he shrugged. “It’s not like you’ve never done that before.”

“Don’t play games with me. I’ve never done that,” I pointed my f*inger in his face, hissing at him as he rolled his eyes.

“Maybe you don’t even remember that this girl is the same one who has always hurt me. She has always mocked me. How could you sneak out in the middle of the night just to be close to her?” I couldn’t forget the sight of him cupping her face in his hands. It was pretty clear that she was leaning in for a k*iss, and I didn’t see him step away from her. “So, just when it suits you, you remember what they’ve done and act all hurt. But when it’s convenient for you, you go out on a dinner date with them just to read some text messages. If you want to fight, fight your own battles, as we all have to. Don’t expect me to entertain your fights,” his anger and the way he kept hurting my feelings by pointing his f*inger in my face left me feeling overwhelmed and starting to hyperventilate.

“That’s it? Now you’re competing with me?” I knew what he said was just nonsense. The only reason I contacted Ron last time was because I needed a cure for Caspian, and he was using that against me.

Then it struck me. “You’re going to use Kit to gain access to the royal lockers, aren’t you?” I asked, and the creases on his forehead deepened.

“Huh!” I stepped away from him. “You’re a damn hypocrite for using her to your advantage but not being honest with me and asking for my help.” I knew he had made it clear that he wanted me to help him without telling me anything, but after how he had gone behind my back to make amends with my worst enemy, he had just confirmed that my lack of trust in him was justified.

“You want to cry about it?” he shrugged, seeming utterly indifferent. I couldn’t believe this was him talking. The way he was acting made me wonder if he even believed I would help him if he ever told me what he wanted.

“F*uck you,” I hissed, stormed back into the bedroom, and rushed into the bathroom. I was desperate to cry out loudly, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want him to know I was heartbroken after witnessing him with her. I wondered if they would have k*issed if I hadn’t arrived in time.

As I stood in the bathroom, staring at my disheveled reflection, I began to feel an overwhelming urge to leave everything behind and just be myself. It was then that my eyes landed on my pendant. “Huh! I can’t even talk to my wolf,” I whispered in a broken voice. I was sure Bellamy had returned to the bedroom and was resting, acting as if he hadn’t just hurt me in the worst way possible. “So what if my wolf is weak? I shouldn’t cage her inside me,” I realized how wrong I had been for avoiding my poor wolf. But then I remembered what Monique had said about her condition.

“I’m going to make a decision,” I declared, but my head began to throb intensely. The fact that Bellamy hadn’t even flinched when I caught him with Kit made me wonder how far he would go with her now.

He will cross boundaries, and then I may never be able to forgive him. I realized I had been handling the pain too well.

“I’m going to spend the night with Cas–,” I decided to wash my face and still go out with Caspian because he had planned a special night for me, unlike Bellamy.

Sadly, I began to feel so dizzy that I couldn’t even keep myself upright.

I gulped as I looked around, and everything seemed blurry. The heartbreak of seeing my own mate taking care of Kit and then her looking at me with a triumphant expression really shattered me.

I sat down to prevent myself from falling and tried to pull myself together.

However, as my eyes involuntarily closed,

I lost consciousness on the cold bathroom floor.

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