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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 159

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 159 While I Am Away, They Are Cheating On Me. (Genevieve Swan)

“Maybe I can bring it up again during the lunch with Caspian today,” I considered, hoping to somehow convey this conversation. I truly wanted to go out with Caspian, but Monique had chosen an odd time to discuss all this, and she seemed quite determined.

“You’re going on a lunch date with Caspian?” she asked, her forehead creasing with a frown. “Didn’t you know today is the eclipse?” She stared into my eyes, her head tilting, and her expression conveyed her frustration with me for forgetting about something we had been preparing for years.

“Oh, can we skip this eclipse?” I asked, hoping for a way out, but she shook her head vigorously, looking visibly upset that I even suggested it.

“Actually, the thing is that–” I began to explain, but she didn’t want to hear any more.

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“Listen, today is different. You’re not just going to the hills to spread your scent, but you’re actually going to pray for your mates’ lives,” she continued, her voice carrying such intensity that I couldn’t help but give her my full attention.

“We’re going to perform a ritual for your mates. Since they’re refusing to reject you, we must do everything from our side to ensure they stay safe,” she added, and my heart started racing.

After our previous conversation when I had spoken to my mates about Monique’s prophecies, they had made me feel like it was all a silly lie. But now, seeing her so determined to help me, I began to wonder if there might be a grain of truth in her prophecy. If that were the case, by not rejecting my mates, I might be putting their lives in jeopardy.

“Look, we have to continue with this ritual for the next three eclipses. With the knowledge I’ve gathered, I’ve found that today is the eclipse, and then there will be two more in the next five months. During this time, you must ensure you don’t endanger your mates’ lives, and you also mustn’t let them mark you or mate with you,” she once again brought up the topic of my virginity, but this time there was more. “Also, try not to get too intimate with them for now.”

I nodded, determined to avoid making a mistake. I knew Monique had powers, so there was a possibility that she knew what she was talking about. It was the same possibility that could determine my mates’ fate.

“Now, go wear this black dress and come with me,” she said, pushing the red dress I had prepared to wear aside and handing me a black one.

I gave her a nod and hurried into the bathroom. She had everything prepared for the next hour and had been waiting in the bedroom for me. Time was short, as the journey would take some time, and the eclipse was only an hour away. If we wanted things to go smoothly, we needed to hurry.

With that thought in my mind, I changed into the black dress and left the bathroom to find her pacing restlessly, waiting for me.

“What are you doing?” she asked as she watched me search for my cellphone. “I’m looking for my phone. I have to tell Caspian that we’ll attend dinner instead of lunch,” I replied, engrossed in trying to locate my cellphone. She was starting to appear annoyed with me, as if I were asking for too much. I knew very well that Caspian would be quite upset with me for canceling another date.

“Genevieve, we don’t have time. You can use my phone to text him from the car,” she hissed, shaking her head at me once again, making me feel like I was becoming a burden.

“Okay, okay, sorry!” I hurried after her and decided to use her phone to text Caspian. As I was heading towards the car, Kit appeared in my path with a smirk on her face.

The moment I caught a glimpse of Kit, memories of Bellamy flooded my mind. “Kit! If you’re here to argue, now is not the time,” I said, rolling my eyes and trying to walk past her, but she kept blocking my way.

“It’ll only take a few minutes. I just wanted to ask if you’d mind if I go shopping with your mate. Actually, Bellamy didn’t even want to ask you, but as your cousin, I thought it might be inappropriate,” she shrugged.

Her words made my heart skip a beat. I couldn’t believe they were still at it. “You guys are going shopping?” I asked, feeling like I wanted to give Bellamy a piece of my mind for continuing with his nonsense.

“Yeah, I figured he didn’t ask you. So, do you mind?” Kit asked, continuing with a fake, sympathetic smile as though she were feeling sorry for me. Well, if she cared that much, she should have told him no.

“What’s going on here?” Monique must have noticed that I had stopped following her, so she rushed back to find us talking near the exit.

“I was just talking to Genevieve about–” Kit persisted in being a nuisance, but Monique held up her h*and to silence her. “You talk all sorts of nonsense and waste everyone’s time. Step away; she has somewhere important to be, unlike you,” Monique hissed at her, causing tears to well up in Kit’s eyes.

I had always noticed Kit trying to gain Monique’s attention. There were even times when Kit argued about why Monique didn’t give her as much attention and why she didn’t spend more time thinking about her future.

“Let’s go,” Monique held my h*and and led me away. I was somewhat reluctant now because leaving Bellamy and Kit alone together seemed like a bad idea.

I knew for a fact that he was only going out with her to manipulate her into getting access to the royal lockers. That’s where I had a problem with him.

Regardless of the real reason, I wasn’t comfortable with him spending time with her. It seemed like his mission was more important to him than our relationship.

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