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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 160

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 160 He Came H*ard! (Genevieve Swan)

Monique made me follow her to the car, and despite my strong desire to talk to Bellamy one last time and caution him about keeping his distance from Kit, I found myself being ushered into the car, and our journey began.

Once I had managed to calm my rapid breaths, I turned to Monique, who was mumbling something incessantly with her gaze fixed on the window.

“Can I borrow your phone to call Caspian?” I asked, making sure to keep him in my thoughts this time. Bellamy’s behavior was causing chaos, and it was distracting me from focusing on Caspian. “Alright, here you go,” she handed me her phone, turning her head in the opposite direction.

I began typing a message to Caspian, but when I pressed the send button, I realized it wasn’t going through.

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“Um, it’s not going through,” I said, voicing my frustration. She turned to me with an exasperated look as if I were the one causing the problem.

“Well, what do you expect me to do? Strap your message to my n*eck and fly over to drop it on Caspian’s head?” She responded with such bitterness that I was momentarily at a loss for words.

She grabbed the phone from my hands and shook her head disapprovingly at me. “Am I the only one here who cares about your mate’s life? All you’re worried about is lunch,” she hissed, completely missing the point of my concern.

“It’s not just about lunch. It’s about letting him know not to go somewhere he won’t find me,” I retorted, matching her tone for the first time, which seemed to surprise her.

“I just don’t want him to think I’ve abandoned him,” I quickly amended my tone, feeling the weight of her gaze bearing down on me.

It was a familiar pattern. Whenever I wanted to object, I couldn’t. A single look from her could silence me completely. “I’m sorry,” I said, bowing my head after she continued to stay silent, her eyes seemingly penetrating deep into my soul. “We’ll discuss this later,” she muttered quietly and finally averted her gaze from me.

I remained silent for a moment before gently tapping my f*inger on the window to get the attention of the guard in the passenger seat.

“Excuse me, do you have your cellphone with you?” I asked the guard, convinced that he must have had it on h*and to communicate with my father or anyone else if he needed backup. Strangely, he cast a quick glance at Monique before shaking his head.

“Oh,” I found it odd, but there wasn’t much I could do at this point. They were all unwilling to give me their phones, and I couldn’t exactly wrestle them for it. However, I had learned a valuable lesson – I needed to keep my phone with me from now on.

As for this time, I would have to explain to Caspian where I had been, and I was confident he would understand.

The rest of the journey was rather strange. Monique continued to mutter to herself, sending shivers down my spine.

None of my questions after our previous conversation received a response from her.

She stayed silent.

After what felt like hours of a tiring ride, we finally reached our destination. It was an unusual, arid landscape behind the mountains. I had been here many times before, but this time, the air was even drier than I remembered.

She led me to the infamous magical well, the place she usually brought me to. “Ahh! It always feels like home here,” she said, smiling widely for the first time in years.

This was the place where I had always seen her smile without restraint. “You know, I sometimes regret ever coming here. Sanova isn’t anything like our homeland. Back at home, it was so lively. Sure, the heroes and villains may have caused some trouble, but it was still better than this. Even your mother used to be much happier there,” she sighed, mentioning my mom.

“What was our homeland like?” I inquired, and she turned to give me a quick, scrutinizing look from head to toe. “I just told you–it’s better than here,” she replied with evident annoyance at my repeated question.

“Anyway, you have to come here until you turn 23 and feed the well with your virgin blood. That’s how you tether yourself–to life,” she said, pausing oddly. When she finished speaking, something about her demeanor raised suspicion.

“Now, come on, hold out your h*and,” she grabbed a knife and extended her h*and towards me. I couldn’t refuse her any longer. Clearly, she had done this before and would do it again. However, there were still some lingering questions in my mind.

“But how is this going to help my mates? I mean, I’ve been doing this since I was a child, and it was always for my own safety. So, how is it going to help them?” I was puzzled by why she had brought me here to do something I had been doing for many years.

“Maybe you missed the part where I mentioned that it’s an eclipse, and that’s what makes it different from the other times,” she said, giving me a tight-lipped smile that seemed to silently label me as a bit slow.

“Oh!” I nodded, feeling somewhat clueless. For some reason, I wasn’t quite picking up on things today.

“Now, come on, it’s almost time,” she raised her head and gestured for me to give her my h*and, her palm open and waiting.

I took a deep breath, preparing to extend my h*and to Monique. But just as I was about to do so, a loud growl erupted from behind me. It came so suddenly that I jumped back from Monique. She appeared equally startled but, more notably, annoyed.

“What on earth is he doing here?” She nearly raised her voice butthen gritted her teeth and pointed at the large man emerging from the shadows as the eclipse began to unfold.

“Wolvin!” I frowned, watching him approach us with a determined expression.

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