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Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 161

Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee (Book 3)

Chapter 161 Come Big Guy, K*iss Me! (Genevieve Swan)

“What are you doing here?” I inquired as he briskly approached us. His eyes swiftly scanned me before shifting to Monique.

“I should be the one asking you that question,” his voice didn’t sound as calm as it usually did. I wasn’t sure what had provoked such anger in him, but it was unsettling to see him this upset. “I brought her here for a ritual we perform to ensure her safety,” Monique concealed the full truth and offered him a twisted version of it.

It was true that we came here for the usual purpose of ensuring my safety, but that wasn’t the real reason for this visit.

“And to pray for your protection,” I whispered, making him glance down at me. I quickly corrected myself, “I mean, for the protection of my mate.”

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I had to avert my gaze swiftly because I knew I had made a mistake. Nonetheless, it was indeed perplexing that he had come here in search of me.

“Without my permission?” Wolvin’s loud voice interrupted my thoughts, and I raised my head to give him a disapproving look. What did he mean by “his permission”? Since when had he gained so much control over me? “Huh? You want me to ask your permission before bringing her here?” Monique chuckled softly, and that’s when I realized he was instructing her to seek permission.

“Am I not her husband? Her protector? Then why did you bring her here with just one guard in your car, when she’s supposed to marry four powerful mates for her safety?” Wolvin raised an objection, and for the first time, I heard him assert his authority.

I was so taken aback that I decided to stay out of it. Somewhere along the line, he was clearly aggravating Monique by questioning her.

“You’re wasting our time,” Monique warned him, but before she could reach for my h*and again, Wolvin grabbed my wrist and moved me behind him.

I quickly grabbed onto his brown shirt to keep from stumbling.

“She will not participate in any more rituals from now on,” Wolvin declared, catching me off guard with his clear statement.

“What? What did you say?” Monique gasped, taking an intimidating step closer to him. However, she didn’t move any further to challenge him when he squared his shoulders even more.

“This is important for her, but I’m sure you wouldn’t understand. You’ve spent your entire life in the woods, relying on whatever leftovers you could find in trash bins. Now that you’re living in a palace, you’re starting to feel like you have authority over someone else’s life. Her life isn’t as simple as yours. She needs protection, and her future rests on my shoulders. I have to constantly ensure that she doesn’t encounter any obstacles, and you are–” Monique paused when she noticed that Wolvin was looking around, easily distracted. She had to snap her f*ingers in front of his face to regain his attention.

“Huh? You’re not finished talking yet?” he asked wearily. “Look, you shouldn’t be arguing with me now that the eclipse is already over.”

As Wolvin mentioned the eclipse being over, both Monique and I were stunned. We hadn’t realized how long they had been arguing.

Monique was clearly displeased with the situation. She began to tremble with anger as she threatened Wolvin, “You have no idea what you’ve just done. You better not come between me and her. You’re mocking the prophecies,” she hissed, rubbing her hands together in frustration and aggression.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, though I wasn’t entirely sure why I felt the need to apologize. It just seemed like the right thing to do in that moment.

“Shut up,” she pointed her f*inger at me, “you could have told him to leave, but you stood behind him, holding onto his shirt like some fragile doll,” her voice dripped with animosity, and I was taken aback by the mocking tone she used to describe my actions.

“All this doesn’t befit an old woman like you,” Wolvin shook his head, making another foolish comment that only further infuriated her.

She straightened her posture and continued to glare at him, a faint smirk appearing on her l*ips.

“Ah, rogue boy! You have no idea who you’re tangling with,” she now wore a smirk on her l*ips, but the bitterness in her voice had intensified.

“I guess you’re right. You’re not that famous for me to know,” Wolvin shrugged before dismissing her. He turned to me, taking my h*and. “Are we ready to go home?”

I glanced at Monique over his shoulder and nodded my head. Monique stomped her foot and walked away to settle in her car, while Wolvin led me to the other car he had arrived in. The driver promptly opened the backseat door for me, and Wolvin joined from the other side. “This is a friendly guy I found on the road,” Wolvin smiled, introducing the driver to me.

“Wolvin, that’s an Uber driver. Well have to pay him,” I whispered to him, and he nodded in understanding. I was so exhausted from everything that I had fallen asleep on Wolvin’s shoulder not long into the car ride.

Well, for what it’s worth, he did have strong and broad shoulders. By the time I woke up, we were already parked across the road.

We both exited the car, and once we reached the main gate, I stopped to question Wolvin.

“Why did you interrupt the ritual? It’s something I have to do to ensure my mates’ safety,” I whispered, gesturing slightly because I didn’t want him to think I was angry with him. I was simply curious about what had led him to believe that stopping the ritual was the right course of action.

“You–” I began to protest, but as I spoke, I noticed that the smile on his face grew, and suddenly, he gently held my chin and leaned in towards my l*ips.

In that moment, I felt like I had died and come back to life because it was evident that he was about to k*iss me.

5 thoughts on “Tossed Between Her Defiant Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 161”

  1. When are we getting the next chapters please ???? After the story (Beatrice one and it’s interesting plot) I have higher expectation from you Mr. Alexis, please don’t disappoint us 😒😒😒

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